
blog posts, links, and other digital texts related to teaching online

A NOTE ABOUT TOOLS: every time we sign up for, or have our students sign up for new apps (or anything else), we give corporations a green light to collect data on our students. Teach them how to keep their personal information safe. Learn about the problems with privacy and data collection if you don’t already know.

Keep the conversation going with students and ask: "What is being collected and why? Be critical. Free is never completely free. Companies need to be able to collect our data in order to figure out how to monetize it."

70+ Awesome Apps that Integrate with Google Classroom. A list of more than 70 awesome Apps that integrate with Google Classroom.

Blackboard Learn Help for Instructors. Answers to common questions about Blackboard.

Blackboard Quick Start for Faculty Delivering Courses Remotely. A useful page created by Marshall University, including quick guides for getting started quickly on Blackboard.

Canvas: How do I add a rubric to an assignment?. Blog post on how to add a rubric to an assignment in Canvas.

Desmos, Coronavirus, and You. Webinars and other links related to Desmos.

Google for Education COVID-19 Resources. For educators and IT administrators preparing for potential school closures — or currently facing them — here are a few ways to engage students through distance learning.

Generate Automatic Captions and a Transcript for your Microsoft Stream Videos. If a video's Language field is set to a supported language, Stream can automatically generate captions using Automatic Speech Recognition technology. Here's how. Tool to annotate the web.

GSuite for Education. Resources in the form of links, videos, and slides separating beginner, intermediate, advanced features of GSuite for Education.

Open Broadcasting Software. Explanation for how to use Open Broadcasting Software.

Screencastify. Record, edit, and share videos.

Swivl. Robot for remote instruction or observation.

TechSmith Snagit. Tools for screen capture and video sharing.

TITAC. Method for transitioning to an online environment.

WebEx: Getting Started. tutorials for getting started with WebEx, which is being offered for free during COVID-19.

Zoom: Conferencing Application. This guide will show you how to use the Zoom Conferencing application in conjunction with YouTube and eLearning as a means to create and store video lectures for virtual classes.

Zoom Tutorials. Collection of video tutorials for teaching with Zoom.