clinical practice

suggestions for how to bring clinical practice (teacher prep, nursing, internships) to an online environment

The BERC Group. Video clips of classrooms in action.

Classroom Instruction Videos and Sample Observation & Feedback Calibration Activities. These videos depict a range of practice to support within-district calibration activities that promote a shared understanding of instructional quality. Select the video(s) that best meet your needs by grade, content area, or length.

eLearning Day Program. This innovative program has evolved into an engaging instructional model used in many Indiana schools to keep the sequence of learning going in spite of weather and other challenges.

GoReact. A way to peer review teaching videos.

Mursion. Find out information about virtual reality training software. Formerly called TeachLive.

Teaching Channel. One of the biggest databases online of teaching videos.

Using Interactive Video to Develop Preservice Teachers' Classroom Awareness. This study investigates the use of interactive video in teacher education as a way of laying the cognitive groundwork for developing teacher self-reflection.

other tips/ideas:

  • have students upload student teaching videos on YouTube

  • have students watch videos and reflect on what they view