5 Easy Steps for Becoming a Travel Writer

We all love traveling! We do travel here and there for some reasons. Some prefer beaches, some hike in the mountains, and some love to taste multiple cuisines from various places. 

A wonderful way to capture your travel experience is by writing. It would be better if you prefer writing while traveling rather than writing a memoir. For many travel writers, these things could be just another day on the job. Travel writers craft content that revolves around every facet of exploring the world.

Though each travel writer's career path is unique, all share a passion for transporting readers through vivid narratives. If you're considering a journey into travel writing, these five steps will serve as your guide on this exciting professional adventure.

Step 1: Develop Strong Writing Skills

To become a writer is to have writing skills. In order to sharpen your skills, you need to create a solid foundation. Practice regularly, read various styles of writing, and refine your grammar and vocabulary.

Remember, only a good reader can become a good writer. Keep reading blogs and books of other travel writers to know what kind of content and writing style people love to read. Analyze what makes their writing engaging and learn from their techniques.

Step 2: Travel, Travel, Travel

To write about travel, you need to travel! Explore new places, cultures, and experiences. It doesn't always have to be far-flung destinations; even local explorations can provide interesting content.

Start from the best places in your locality. It could be a park, a lake, a restaurant, a street, or a bird sanctuary. 

Step 3: Keep a Journal or Writing Tool

For creating your own travel book, you have to note down your observations, experiences, emotions, and interactions. Write what you like the most, what was different there, what you learned after visiting there, with whom you met, and so on.

Carrying pen and paper all the time could be a daunting task to do. To resolve this issue, we have a DIY online book writing tool from thatshowitwas.org to write on your Tablet without any issues. Just sit in your comfort place and start writing. 

Also, travel writing is a broad field, so it's important to determine your niche. It could be adventure travel, luxury destinations, budget travel, cultural experiences, food and cuisine, etc. This will help you target specific audiences.

Step 4: Writing is Rewriting

Once you finish writing or completing your traveling journey, edit your work meticulously for grammar, clarity, and structure. 

Travel writing isn't just about listing places you've been to; it's about weaving tales that evoke emotions and stir wanderlust. 

Your initial draft might capture the essence of your travels, but it's often the revisions that turn it into a polished gem. Just as a traveler hones their photography skills over time, travel writer sharpens their prose through multiple rounds of editing. 

Good visuals complement your writing. You can learn basic photography skills to capture the essence of the places you visit.

Step 5: Create an Online Presence and Reputation

Set up a blog or a website where you can showcase your writing. Share your travel experiences, tips, and insights. This online portfolio can attract potential readers and clients.

Connect with fellow travel writers, bloggers, and industry professionals. Attend travel events, workshops, and conferences to build relationships and learn from experienced writers.

Start pitching your travel story ideas to publications. Research magazines, newspapers, websites, and blogs that accept travel-related content. Craft personalized pitches for each outlet. As you get published, build a portfolio of your work.

Remember that rejections are part of the journey. Don't be discouraged by them. Use feedback to improve, and keep refining your craft.

In The End

The travel industry is ever-changing. Stay updated on travel trends, writing techniques, and digital tools to enhance your skills. You can earn a degree in the relevant area of traveling, bachelors in journalism, geography, anthropology, communication, and so on. It will ultimately enhance your skills as well as knowledge. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do travel writers get paid?

Travel writers can earn money through various avenues, including writing articles for travel magazines, newspapers, online publications, guidebooks, and more. Payment can be based on word count, per article, or a negotiated fee. Some travel writers also generate income through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, speaking engagements, and book sales.

Is a travel writer a job?

Yes, travel writing is considered a legitimate profession. Travel writers can work as freelancers, contributing to various publications, or as staff writers for travel magazines, newspapers, websites, and more.

Is a travel writer a journalist?

Travel writers can fall under the umbrella of journalism, especially when they report on factual information and present it in a journalistic style. However, travel writing can also include more personal and creative narratives that might not adhere strictly to journalistic conventions.