10 Life Story Writing to Read and Get Inspired

Want to learn how to make an impact by writing your life story? Read these ten recommended books for inspiration. Writing your own story can really make a difference. You don't need to rely on any life-story writing services. So, let's get started.

Autobiographical vs. Biographical Writing

Life-writing comes in two primary forms: autobiography and biography. Autobiography writing services involve individuals writing their own stories, typically in the first person. Memoirs, a subset of autobiography, often reflect on a specific period of one's life. On the other hand, biographies are written by someone else, providing a third-person perspective on the subject's life.

10 Life Story Writing Recommendations to Read

The Salt Path by Raynor Winn:

The Salt Path recounts the journey of Raynor Winn and her husband, Moth, who, facing business failure and terminal illness, decide to hike 630 miles along the south coast of England. This autobiographical tale is both poetic and hopeful, showcasing the resilience of individuals confronting life's challenges.

H is for Hawk written by Helen MacDonald

Helen MacDonald's memoir explores the transformative power of grief, leading her to train a goshawk. The fusion of myth, history, and personal obsession makes H is for Hawk a compelling exploration of the will to survive in the face of loss.

Beautiful Country: A Memoir of an Undocumented Childhood by Qian Julie Wang

Qian Julie Wang's memoir provides a poignant account of an undocumented childhood in America, highlighting the challenges of immigration, racism, and the pursuit of hope amid adversity.

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance written by Barack Obama

Barack Obama's memoir reflects on his journey from Honolulu to Chicago, exploring his upbringing and eventual acceptance into Harvard Law School. The book evolves alongside Obama's political career, offering a powerful narrative of identity, race, and inheritance.

On Gallows Down: Place, Protest, and Belonging by Nicola Chester

Nicola Chester combines memoir with nature writing, weaving a narrative that connects her life to the rural landscape. This unique approach provides a rich tapestry of experiences, from wildlife encounters to personal and professional growth.

The Snow Geese by William Fiennes

William Fiennes embarks on a travel narrative, tracing the migration of snow geese from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. This beautifully crafted book explores not only bird migration but also human connections and self-discovery.

Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala

Akala's memoir and polemic delve into the historical and contemporary issues of race and class in British society. The author weaves personal experiences with a broader context, providing a thought-provoking exploration of systemic oppression.

The Naked Civil Servant by Quentin Crisp

Quentin Crisp's memoir offers a glimpse into his flamboyant life, combining humor and controversy. The Naked Civil Servant paints a vivid picture of Crisp's experiences as a queer icon, from his work as a prostitute to his role as a nude model.

Free: Coming of Age at the End of History by Lea Ypi

Lea Ypi's memoir explores the challenges of growing up in Stalinist Albania, where freedom was a distant dream. As the political landscape shifts, Ypi reflects on the meaning of freedom and its limitations, offering a profound examination of societal upheaval.

Maybe I Don't Belong Here by David Harewood

David Harewood's memoir delves into the challenges of mental health within the context of the Black British experience. From a psychotic breakdown to institutionalization, Harewood's story is a poignant exploration of resilience, family history, and personal triumph.

Ready to Share Your Story?

If these books have ignited a desire to write your own story through life-writing, consider exploring more resources. But wait, we have something for you— our online book-writing tool! It is an amazing platform that does all the formatting work without wasting your time. So, visit That's How It Was to learn more about this online story-writing tool.

Your story matters—start writing and sharing it.