Susan Cowely Carrasco

Susan Cowely Carrasco

The myriad of possibilities that the natural world provides continually surprises and inspires me. Elements such as line, shape and colour, integral to nature, have always been a part of my painting practice.

For some time I have been exploring the abstract elements of line within the confines of the square or rectangular format of the canvas. It is not only the directional possibilities of the lines and shapes that interest me. It is also the contrasts of thick or thin and broken and continuous lines - that energize the picture surface.

Clusters of shapes (such as mass migration of birds) tend to form natural arabesques that veer towards abstraction.

Some of my works, especially those where a fusion of beeswax and oil is used, exploit the various layers revealed beneath the surface. Wax also enhances luminosity and produces semi-sculptural textural effects.



Phone: 0411 275643