Felicia Finlayson

Felicia Finlayson

“It is the stillness within the environment that allows me to observe”

I physically immerse myself in nature to observe and sketch whilst looking for juxtapositions that occur in the environment, one system on another. The observations may be from the distance - the patterns formed in landscape as the eye moves from the horizon to the foreground, or close up - such as bark variations on one tree, fungi folding upon itself, seeds providing a continuation of life, light filtering through leaves, or shapes created by overlapping grasses and branches.

My intent is to look at the environment and simplify the objects and patterns using restricted palette to demonstrate the difference of shapes and layers. I use sketches, collage, watercolour, mono printing, pigments, acrylic and abstraction to develop larger works whilst exploring the use of ambiguous shapes against articulated forms in providing a spatial perspective on a broader scale using simplification of the shapes and the over-lapping of formations created by nature.

I enjoy sketching and painting still life, life study as well as landscape and use watercolour or gouache for “plein-air” sketches to quickly capture the spirit and essence of the location, rather than reproduce it.

Web: https://www.feliciafinlayson.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feliciafinlayson_artist/

Email: feliciafinlayson@bigpond.com