Wendy Arnold

Wendy Arnold

“I can knit, I can sew, and I’m dangerously good with a hammer, but it is the practice of painting that has allowed myself to be me… the ‘Me’ I wanted to be, since I was a very small girl.”

My involvement in the fashion world for many years culminates in an appreciation of “the body”.

Perhaps my strongest influence was watching “Pillow Book by the esteemed Peter Greenaway where a famous calligrapher painted his poems on his young daughter’s body.

It led me to research both Japanese and Chinese cultures, so my imagery has an Asian aesthetic.

My love of process has led me to use a large combination of techniques. Encaustic wax, silkscreen, digital print, fabrics, lace and gold gilding and acrylic and oil paint.

Email: warnold@optusnet.com.au