Vanessa Anderson

Vanessa Anderson

My paintings are a celebration of the dark and light in life. A personal exploration into the fragility, tragedy and hope of this journey we are all on. Like a classic nursery rhyme or children’s fairy tale they portray a complex backstory in a fresh and offbeat style that is a fun, but quirky, tapestry of images be they landscape, buildings or creatures.

Each painting symbolically explores universal concepts of human suffering, transformation and healing. Our lives are peppered with endings and beginnings and, as devastating as some of those losses can be, inevitably there is growth and a new beginning on the other side of suffering. It is our capacity to heal ourselves from suffering, to create, to endure, to overcome and to transform that informs my work.

The imagery I use is mostly drawn from my personal experiences of growing up in South Africa, immigrating to Australia and the losses and gains I have experienced along the way and although I completed a Masters in Fine Art many years earlier it was only during further study in Transpersonal Art Therapy that I witnessed the power of art to heal and restore for the creator and viewer alike. In essence, my work is about trusting the dark and that it will ultimately lead to the light.



