Ian Grant

Ian Grant

Ian Grant is a Sydney painter and former academic. He has exhibited throughout Australia in twenty-one solo exhibitions and in many themed group exhibitions. He has worked primarily with landscape in recent years but is now moving to include other subject matter, particularly figuration, within his range of imagery.

He was head of Painting Studies at UNSW COFA until 2006 and in this capacity continually emphasised investigation into both painting itself and its relationship with other technologies. He worked with Idris Murphy and Louise Fowler-Smith in establishing Imaging the Land International Research Institute (ILIRI).

His work is included in the collections of the National Gallery of Australia, the Art Gallery of NSW, numerous regional galleries and major corporations and he has been awarded the Blake Prize and the Fleurieu Prize. Ian Grant’s work is cited in many publications on Australian painting including the Encyclopedia of Australian Art. He is represented in Sydney by Liverpool Street Gallery.

Email: ianbgrant@optusnet.com.au