Cathy Drew

Cathy Drew

Cathy Drew’s work explores different themes and is expressed through a variety of media selected to resonate with the content or ideas driving her work.

Cathy’s work is often inspired by the natural world - referencing aspects of history, mankind’s domestication of natural habitats or simply nature’s innate ability to calm and soothe us.

Cathy was born in Adelaide, South Australia. She completed her Bachelor of Visual Arts at the University of South Australia in 1991 where she was invited to take part in the National Graduate Exhibition at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art.

After graduating she travelled extensively throughout Australia and Europe. Between 2008 and 2010 Cathy completed a Masters of Art at the University of New South Wales – College of Fine Arts (COFA ), Sydney.

Cathy has taken part in numerous group shows nationally. Her work resides in private collections in Australia, Germany, Holland and Italy. She currently works between Duesseldorf, Germany and Sydney, Australia.


