Pollyxenia Joannou

Pollyxenia Joannou

This latest series of concrete works by Pollyxenia Joannou are the stunning result of the Tim Storrier National Art School Residency for 2006/07. This residency at the renowned CitŽ Internationale des Arts in Paris, produced first a series of Polaroid snapshots which then became quite serious studies in concrete principals realised in oils and charcoals, on rag paper, watercolour paper and on board.

The simplicity of materials and minimalist use of colour allow Joannou to explore more base elements in the composition of her works, playing with depth, scale, light, shade, inclusion and exclusion.

The reductive use of drawing only geometric shapes and sharp angles using only charcoal or oils, rag, board or paper is also a conscious step backwards from the medium of photography to the more raw record of drawing. This recession in regards to technology carries over to the notion that recorded memory and realised meaning can be two, often opposing forces.

Pollyxenia Joannou lives and works in Sydney’s Inner West, teaching art students at The Northern Institute (TAFE) and the National Art School, to share her expertise. Her work spans over 25 years, with prestigious group exhibitions, including the Sulman Prize, the Archibald Prize, and the Portia Geach Memorial Award.

Web: https://pollyxenia.com/

Email: pollyxenia@me.com