Danny Leyland

Danny Leyland

Danny Leyland (b. 1994) makes work with a visual language informed by a reading of comparative mythology, folklore, mediaeval romance, and archaeology. Sometimes narrative-led, at other times process-led, his work moves cross discipline between painting, printmaking, sculpture, performance and writing.

Since graduating from Edinburgh College of Art in 2016 (BA Painting), Leyland has exhibited internationally in London, Oxford, Edinburgh, and Thiruvananthapuram, India, with highlights including Debris Dance at Arusha Gallery (2020), RSA New Contemporaries (2017), Hospitalfields Graduate Residency (2017) and an EMBASSY off-site project Digging (2018).

Alongside producing his own work, Danny directed Vine Box Poetry, a poetry-led event platform in Edinburgh, with funding from the Hope Scott Trust and Scottish Book Trust.

Email: dan.leyland@yahoo.co.uk