Andrea Long 

Andrea Long

My artistic focus centres on the human body and flesh, serving as both my subject and indirect medium. I consider my own body as a form of 'resource material,' guiding my exploration of self through the creative process.

While my early works were confined to canvas, they gradually transformed into three-dimensional forms with the incorporation of wire. I describe my art as expanded drawings due to the tactile sensation of drawing while working with wire.

Using paint and wire as my primary mediums, I blend artist acrylic paint and house paint to create textured paint skins. The outcomes are pleasantly unpredictable as the paint skins take on a life of their own, moving into positions beyond my control.

The fascination with the materiality and movement of paint has led me to explore video artwork, capturing the fluidity of the medium. The allure of not knowing how the material will behave is what captivates me and sustains my practice.

My studio is a practical space where I manipulate paint and wire, but it's also a space for repurposing the remnants of paint, finding joy in creating art from the unwanted or discarded.

In essence, my art is a quiet exploration of self through the tangible interaction of paint and wire. Each piece encapsulates a unique dialogue between intention and the inherent qualities of the materials. I extend an invitation to viewers to join me in this subtle journey of form and expression.


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