Alexander Cocks

Alexander Cocks

Alexander Cocks is an Adelaide-born artist who has resided in Sydney since 2013. His education includes a BVA (printmaking major) at the Adelaide College of the Arts, and MVA (printmaking major) at COFA, Sydney.


“Printing presses are expensive, so I decided to teach myself to paint with Oils and draw with assorted media including Pastel, Charcoal and Pencil. These have become my major mediums in Art.


I find my technique in portraiture often varies and my subject matter is unrestrained, often featuring the realities of the human condition, from reputable society figures to the common city passerby.


My craft has since expanded to include meticulously arranged and distinctly contemporary still life and exploratory landscapes featuring the hustle and bustle of Australian city living, the quiet country town, as well as overseas settings. 


Like every Artist, I’m always in a state of self exploration, pushing my limits and seeing what is possible. I love it.”




