annabella's story.

Annabella was an aspiring artist, even as a young girl. She would sit for hours drawing and coloring. She strived to push her talents through any art medium she tried. Annabella was a happy child who loved to hug almost as much as she loved art. She reminded everyone around her that she loved them constantly and made art for birthdays and holidays. 

As a teenager, her artistic skills continued to grow strong, but Annabella's mental health declined. Despite the adversity she faced, she continued to grow as an artist throughout high school. She found solace in creating art. However, closely to her graduation, she suffered a mental health crisis and attempted suicide. She was admitted into an inpatient program and took the time to focus on herself and grow. She was diagnosed with Anorexia while she was being treated for her depression. Despite her long journey to better mental health, she was devoted to getting better. 

She graduated from Buffalo High School Arts Magnet Program in 2022. Annabella pursued a career in cosmetology by attending Aveda Institute that following fall. Even though she was so excited about her future, her eating disorder and mental health issues still lingered. She was hospitalized in the spring of 2023 for a dangerously low heart rate caused by her anorexia. 

After another long journey of recovery, Annabella made a turn-around. She spent the summer working, camping, and painting. Her spirit seemed brighter than it had been and she was seemingly doing really well. 

Despite her strides forward, in November of 2023, Annabella had her final mental health crisis. She left work to head home after her shift.  She came home and went to her room and that is where she ended her life. 

Annabella was loved by many, especially her family. We, as her family, will remain devoted to spreading awareness of her journey. Because of her love for art and creativity, the Annabella Art Scholarship was created. Creating art was a way for Annabella to express her emotions and feelings and helped her through many years.

Every time Annabella survived a mental health crisis, she asked for help. When you or someone you know attempts Suicide, suffers Severe Depression or is affected by Mental Illness, the last thing you want is to cope alone. Don't stop until you get the help you need. You are worth it. You are enough. 

Annabella was enough, just the way she was and with everything she was. We are dedicated to supporting the arts as they supported our daughter. Along with using the arts to support those with mental health issues, we also know that there is more help out there for those who need it. 

If you or someone you know needs help, please click on the Get Help tab above, or dial 988. The world needs you and you are important.