Northwest Indiana One Block Projects

Hammond and Michigan City, Indiana One Block at a Time (One Block) projects focused on enhancing neighborhood resilience by integrating rainwater harvesting practices and rain gardens into community gardens in food-scarce neighborhoods. The InnerMission Neighborhood Farm in Hammond and the Smrt Community Center in Michigan City community gardens provide social cohesion to their neighbors while alleviating the lack of access to fresh food. The One Block team conducted focus groups and interviews with local leaders, site managers and volunteers to identify the opportunities, barriers and preferences of multifunction green infrastructure on their sites and neighborhoods. Based on the community feedback, the team and local leads co-designed and co-built on-site rainwater capturing surfaces, storage and distribution solutions for irrigation of food crops, and rain gardens for flood management and cistern overflow. These efforts are integrated into on-site management and volunteer training to enhance local knowledge and leadership capacity. The team also created community summaries and guidance documents for design and maintenance to support long-term management with the local leaders.

Michigan City, Indiana


Hammond, Indiana


Collaborators and partner organizations

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