General Info

General Classroom Volunteer Information:

Please contact the talk with the other volunteer(s) that are paired with you this year. Then, contact the classroom teacher as soon as possible. Introduce yourself as the Art Awareness representatives. Some teachers prefer to set all the dates for the year’s lessons at the onset; others prefer to schedule one at a time. Please be sure to find out how much time the teacher will allow for the Art Awareness presentation and if they are open to hands on activity.

When planning your presentation, start by familiarizing yourself with the work of art. You can stop in at the LMC to familiarize yourself with the print. Please do not take the print home - all prints must stay in the school.

Prepare your questions and ideas before your presentation. The lesson we provide is to serve as a guide. There are numerous activity suggestions in the binders – use them! You can make copies of materials through the front office. Many people supplement their presentations with information from the internet and books from the library.

Look at the work of art through the eyes of the age group to whom you will be presenting. What would that age group want to learn and know? If you are planning a hands on activity let the teacher ok it first and try to keep it simple.

After your presentation, send a note home with the students via backpack mail or email letting the parents know you have visited the classroom and what you talked about.

Be sure to return the print to the drawer in the LMC.

Thank you,

Erin & Nina