Omkar Deepak Karmarkar

Prime Minister's Research Fellow
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India

About me

I am a PhD Research Scholar in the Transportation Systems.  I am currently working on modelling Transit triggered Three Dimensional Urban Growth.

I am passionate about working in Transportation Planning, Urban Analytics, Urban Geography, and Urban Economics.


I completed my bachelor in Civil Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in year 2018.

After working for a brief period of time, I joined IIT Bombay as a PhD research scholar in the year 2019.


I did my third year internship at Loughborough University, UK. I worked on identifying the factors to be considered for introducing New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) in India using the recorded crash data.

As my interest in Transportation Planning grew, I did my fourth year internship at Center for Infrastructure, Urban Planning and Sustainable Transport (CiSTUP), IISc Bengaluru, India. I worked on sustainable urban transport policies to improve the ridership of public transit in Bengaluru.

After graduation, for a brief period of time I worked as a Structural Engineer in a bridge design firm in Mumbai.

