Invited Speaker

Prof Ching-Yu CHENG

Centre for Innovation & Precision Eye Health, and Department of Ophthalmology, National University of Singapore

Title. Use of Computer Vision and Human Eyes for Ocular Disease and Health Screening

Abstract. Deep learning has significantly advanced the field of computer vision in health care and medicine. The talk will briefly review how computer vision has been used in ophthalmology, in particular in eye disease screening. In addition, it will also cover how ocular images can be used for the prediction or risk stratification of non-ocular systemic conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases.

Short bio. Prof Cheng is a clinician-scientist with expertise both in ophthalmology and in data science. His current research work involves a variety of epidemiological, data science and clinical research related to blinding age-related ocular diseases, in particular glaucoma.

Over the last few years, he has developed a world-class translational research program in population eye health, and built up one of the largest epidemiological databases and biobanks (n >10,000) for eye diseases globally. The achievements of his program have become visible via both a number of high-impact publications in the prestigious journals and the surging amount of new knowledge in prevention of blindness. The data are used widely by leading international agencies, such as WHO. He is widely considered a leading research authority in population eye health globally. More recently, his team has moved to AI-based big data analytics for disease prediction and detection. The works not only well aligned to the priorities of MOH in healthy aging and precision medicine, but also fits into the Smart Nation movement in Singapore.

To date, Prof Cheng has published more than 500 scientific papers, including papers in high-impact journals, such as JAMA, Lancet Global Health, Lancet Digital Health, Nature Genetics and Nature Communications. His honours include the Clinician Scientist Award (CSA) from National Medical Research Council (NMRC), Singapore in 2012 and CSA-Senior Investigator in 2017; the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Achievement Award and Outstanding Service in Prevention of Blindness Award; and the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Achievement Award.