
Workshop Organizers (Alphabetic Order)

Bhavna Antony

Alfred Health, Austrilia

Huazhu Fu

Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence (IIAI), United Arab Emirates

Cecilia S Lee

University of Washionton, US

Tom MacGillivray

University of Edinburgh, UK

Frank Yanwu Xu (also GOAL challenge)

Baidu Inc., China

Yalin Zheng

University of Liverpool, U.K.

Program Committee (Alphabetic Order)

Dewei Hu, Vanderbilt University

Dongxu Gao, University of Liverpool

Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence

Emma J R Pead, The University of Edinburgh

Geng Chen, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Guanghui Yue, Shenzhen university

Hai Xie, Shenzhen University

Heng Li, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen

Huazhu Fu, Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence

Huihong Zhang, Southern University of Science and Technology

Huiying Liu, I2R A*STAR

Jiong Zhang, University of Southern California

Jui-Kai Wang, The University of Iowa

Kang Zhou, ShanghaiTech University

Melissa de la Pava, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Mingchen Zhuge, China University of Geosciences

Mohammad Shafkat Islam, University of Iowa

Muthu Rahma Krishnan Mookiah, University of Dundee

Oscar Perdomo, Universidad del Rosario

Peng Liu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Peng Yang, Shenzhen University

Pengshuai Yin, South China University of Technology

Ravi Kamble, AIRA MATRIX

Rayna Andreeva, University of Edinburgh

Shihao Zhang, Singapore Eye Research Institute

Tao Zhou, Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Tianyang Zhang, University of Birmingham

Tom J MacGillivray, University of Edinburgh

Xiaomeng Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Yalin Zheng, University of Liverpool

Yan Hu, Southern University of Science and Technology

Yicheng Wu, Monash University

Yifan Yang, South China University of Technology

Yitian Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ylenia Giarratano, University of Edinburgh

Zaiwang Gu, Ubtech research Inc

Zhongwei Huang, Shenzhen University