Welcome to
Olympia Hills Seniors Golf League

Disclaimer:  Our league is neither sanctioned nor endorsed by Olympia Hills

Here's a view from the tee box on the fourth hole at Olympia Hills

Olympia Hills Seniors Golf League is open to men and women regardless of ability, over the age of 55.    We're a relaxed, fun group of golfers that gets together every Tuesday at 8AM at Olympia Hills Golf Course in Universal City.     We love seeing new members so give us a call.

If you would like to know more about our league, please contact 

Larry Allen.  

Call or text:  210-996-9670 or Email:   2LarryAllen@gmail.com

If you're ready to sign up and join in the fun, please submit the following information.

From Ben Hogan's book:

The golfer courts a mistress as fickle as she is bewitching.  She leads him on with little favors that fill him with hopes of conquest.  Then she scorns him and humiliates him in front of his friends and leaves him despairing.
       But we love the game anyway.  

This quote is in fond memory of one of our favorite members, Larry Reeb.  Despite serious health problems, when asked "how are you doing" always responded with this line.

"Seldom if ever have I been any better." 

Here are a few comments from our members.

Good group of people to play with and the course is challenging and beautiful.  Mike B.

OHGC is a challenging, fun layout with excellent clubhouse facilities.  Golf course is well maintained and staff is excellent. Clubhouse has excellent food and beverage in 19th hole dining area.  Mark M.

I am an out of towner and the opportunity to play a nice course on a regular basis with a very well organized group makes my visits to San Antonio something to look forward to.  Ed L.

Joined the league about 1 year ago and found it to be very welcoming with a great group of guys.  There are a good mix of players (all levels welcome and respected). We don't take things too seriously.....The course is well maintained.... tough at times but fair.  John H.

Good people, good league, play when you want to, any handicap.  Ken P.

It was after joining the Senior League I met and began golfing with other seniors on a weekly basis . Great League to bring your friends or meet other golfers .  Larry B.

The best selling point is the course itself.  Believe me, I play golf from California to Florida and this is a great course for a senior league.  Year round golf, nice safe area, good greens and fairways, practice areas, a bar and grill. It doesn't get much better for a league.  Jerry L.

Great course, nice people and just an enjoyable experience all around.  Larry A.

Just played my first round on the league last week.  Had a really great time. It’s a very welcoming and friendly league.  Tom T.

One of the best aspects of the league is the camaraderie amongst its players. It makes taking the butt kicking the course can dish out easier to handle.  Marty M.

There are times when our golf game may be ugly, but our golf setting is always beautiful.  Jim L.