Olivia Natan

Assistant Professor of Marketing, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

Hi - I am an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Haas School of Business.  I am also a faculty affiliate at the Berkeley Institute for Data Science.

Research Interests

Limited information, product variety, product assortments, consumer search, behavioral IO



Haas School of Business

University of California at Berkeley

2220 Piedmont Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94720


Organizational Structure and Pricing: Evidence from a Large U.S. Airline , 2024 [Latest WP Version, Journal]

with Ali Hortaçsu, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin Williams

The Quarterly Journal of Economics

Demand Estimation with Infrequent Purchases and Small Market Sizes, 2023 [Latest WP Version, Journal]

with Ali Hortaçsu, Hayden Parsley, Timothy Schwieg, and Kevin Williams

Quantitative Economics

Previously Titled "Incorporating Search and Sales Information in Demand Estimation"

Working Papers

Choice Frictions in Large Assortments, 2023 [Latest Version (Dropbox)]

Revise & Resubmit, Marketing Science

Integrating Neuro-Psychological Habit Research into Consumer Choice Models [SSRN]

with Ryan Webb,  Jessica Fong, Asaf Mazar, Julia Levine, Alexandra Wellsjo, Clarice Zhao, Phillippa Lally, Sanne de Wit, John O’Doherty, Andrew Ching, Raphael Thomadsen, Matthew Osborne, Peter Landry, Mark Bouton, Wendy Wood, Colin Camerer

Consumer Inferences from Product Rankings: The Role of Beliefs in Search Behavior [SSRN]

with Jessica Fong and Ranmit Pantle