Call for Papers


Interested researchers and Ph.D. students are cordially invited to submit papers to be considered for the programme. Papers should be submitted electronically to by March 31, 2022. Authors of accepted papers can expect to be notified by mid-April.


Submissions from all areas related to microeconomic theory are welcome, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Auctions

  • Collective decision making

  • Collusion, cartels and mergers

  • Contests and tournaments

  • Dynamic models and timing

  • Economics of blockchain

  • Environmental industrial economics

  • Imperfect competition

  • Information economics

  • Institutional design

  • Market design

  • Mechanism design

  • Networks

  • Platform competition and two-sided markets

  • Price competition

  • Procurement

  • Product differentiation

  • Quantity competition

  • R&D

  • Spatial competition


The workshop has a tradition for exclusively plenary sessions with each presentation being followed by a brief discussion. Participants are therefore expected to discuss one paper in their field of interest.

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