Old School Role Play Monkey

At Christmas, 1976, my brother got a copy of Dungeons and Dragons. It came in a little white box that had rules on how to run fantasy role play games in a world of magic and monsters. You could literally play one of JRR Tolkien's adventure books. I was hooked. Now MANY decades later I'm still playing.

This page is about my on going efforts in role playing. It is dedicated to an old school game based on D&D as my brothers and I played in back in the day. It is an homage to white box D&D but also to a campaign I ran in 1981 set in Viking Iceland, and another campaign I ran in 1990 set in Central France set around 1215. Though it is all D&D it is the D&D of the 1970's when game masters were encouraged to make stuff up. It is still D&D but D&D exposed to lots of gamma radiation so that is has mutated. Maybe it has super powers, that remains to be seen. Either way, if you have played any edition of D&D you will see how it is similar and be able to play it if you are so inclined.

I will build this page up over time. For now I'll put the basic rules sheets here for your use.

Rules hand outs.

Short form rules Cheat Sheet

Combat and Experience Tables

Spell Lists and Price List

Game Scenarios

The Rat Catchers of Paris