1370 Campaign


Three games into the campaign and I've had 5 different players. They have fought goblins, captured a witch, and stolen water from a magic spring. The Fairy Knights, as I'm calling them, are building a reputation. They have come to the attention of the Bishop of Verdun but also to Archbishop Kuno of Cologne. Next I want to present them with magical swords in a puzzle. How do you get the sword out of the stone?


I ran my first game of the 1370 Campaign. Bryan Roberts and Andrew Reyes ran an Italian thief and a Spanish magic user in a mission to explore the catacombs under the cathedral in Verdun. With the aid of their trusty servant Hans, they defeated a small party of goblins and earned themselves the title Fairy Knights. They are now set to begin dealing with the supernatural dangers of Northern France. I think I might have the face the cannibal witch of the Argonne Forrest next time!

Bryan looking over his thief Pippo.


I've long had a interest in role play games and the middle ages. I have a special interest in the 14th Century and the area of Northern France and Western Germany where half of my ancestors came from. Lorraine, the Palatinate, Champagne, Luxembourg, the Ardennes, the Saar, the Vosges are places of adventure to me. I'm basing my game in the Imperial City of Verdun but action will range from Paris to Cologne, from Liege to Avignon. The good guys are French even though the players will likely largely be subjects of the Holy Roman Emperor. It is in the middle of the Hundred Years War, at the start of a rough campaign season. I see the game looping through 1370 again and again so the English will constantly be on the verge of invading and France stands at the hour of it's greatest need. As French speaking Germans, or German speaking Frenchmen the players are free to ignore this but it will impact them because the country side will be filled with marauding bands of mercenaries called Free Companies.

Setting the game in the middle of Western Europe also opens it up to adventures other than historical ones. This was the area the Romans once called home. It was the heartland of Charlemagne's Empire. It was the original kingdom of the Merovengian Franks. Celtic tribes lived there, as did Bronze Age warriors. It was a land of Neolithic farmers and Mesolithic hunters, and further back Neanderthals. Who knows what magic the players may find when they venture underground? I'm interested to find out!

The last thing about this time period that fascinates me is that it is the point where I'm related to a lot of major figures. The King of France, the King of England and major nobles of several countries gave their distant contribution to me. I want to return the favor by reliving the world they ruled in games.