Genially Shortcut

Genially Shortcut

Please remember that this app is not made by the Genially team, it is more a Genially-fan made app, so that other creators (like me) can have a faster and easier access to Genially on-the-go, without having to look for it on the Phone's or Tablet's browser. This app is just a link to the website.


· The app doesn't collect any user personal data as, for example, name, picture or location.

· Consequently, the app doesn't share any personal information with any other entity or third parties.

· Images and Videos entered by the user are sent to the app server in order to be retrieved later by the user himself, and so that the app can offer the functionalities according to its description.

· We allow third-party companies to serve ads and collect certain anonymous information when you visit our app. These companies may use anonymous information such as your Google Advertising ID, your device type and version, browsing activity, location and other technical data relating to your device, in order to provide advertisements. 

Here is a copy of Privacy Policy and how they will manage your privacy. Please remember that this app is not made by the Genially team, it is more a Genially-fan made app, so that other creators (like me) can have a faster and easier access to Genially on-the-go, without having to look for it on the Phone's or Tablet's browser.

Privacy Policy

Last updated on December 15, 2021.

1. Who are we?

As our name suggests Genially is a genial company, we were born in 2015 and since then our mission has been to help you create all kinds of audiovisual and interactive content in an easy and fast way. We know how boring it could be to read these legal texts, but, even if we are the "coolest" company, we also have to comply with our legal obligations. That's why we are committed to protecting your privacy, security and being transparent with the personal information you share with us, as well as ensuring that you can exercise your rights as the owner of the data you provide us with.

Additionally, you can consult our T&C, our Legal Notice or our Cookies Policy, we assure you that after this you will only want to take a good nap.

2. What is the purpose of this Privacy Policy?

We have the objective and the legal obligation to inform you clearly and precisely of the way in which we process your personal information when you access the websites hosted under the domain names and subdomains dependent on our Website.

We also inform you that access to the Website is permitted whether you are an individual or a legal entity, provided that you have successfully completed registration and meet the following requirements:

3. Which data do we collect?

The provision of your data through the registration form and while browsing through our Website is voluntary. However, it is essential for the provision of our Services that you provide us with certain personal information, otherwise it would be impossible for us to provide them to you.

You also guarantee that the information you provide us is truthful, exact, current and authentic and you agree that Genially reserves the right to exclude from the Web Site those Users that it considers that they are providing false, erroneous or incorrect information.

In this sense, Genially processes the following personal data:

Please note that if you are a K12 User and a U.S. resident, there may be limitations on the processing of your data, as well as your functionalities, as set forth in section 5.c) of this Privacy Policy.

4. For what purposes do we process your data?

The processing that we carry out on your data corresponds to a purpose provided for by the law (legitimate basis), as detailed below:

5. What is our K-12 User Policy?

6. Which rights do California consumers have?

The CCPA provides consumers with specific rights regarding their personal information. You have the right to request that businesses subject to the CCPA (which may include our Users with whom you have a relationship) disclose certain information to you about their collection and use of your personal information over the past twelve (12) months. In addition, you have the right to ask such businesses to delete personal information collected from you, subject to certain exceptions. If the business sells personal information, you have a right to opt-out of that sale. Finally, a business cannot discriminate against you for exercising a CCPA right. Please see the information collection, use, disclosure, and individual rights sections above to learn about Genially´s practices when Genially acts as a “business” subject to the CCPA.

When offering services to its Users, Genially acts as a “service provider” under the CCPA and our receipt and collection of any consumer Personal Information is completed on behalf of our Users in order for us to provide the Service. Please direct any requests for access or deletion of your Personal Information under the CCPA to the User with whom you have a direct relationship.

7. Why do we need to process your personal data?

Please note that in order you may enjoy our Web Site it is necessary for us to process your personal data so that, by registering on it, you declare that you have been informed of the privacy conditions and you authorize us to collect your data in accordance with the purposes that we have indicated above, otherwise we will not be able to provide you the Services.

In addition, you agree to inform us of any changes and/or updates to the data you have provided us, ensuring that they are true and accurate for as long as you are our User. For security reasons of our Web Site, Genially reserves the right of admission of Users.

8. With whom do we share your data?

As we mentioned earlier, transparency is very important to us, consequently, we will not share the personal data you provide us with any third party for other purposes than to guarantee the functioning of our Web Site, that is, in order to provide you with our Services through our Web Site, certain suppliers need access to the personal data of our Users, so it is essential that we share certain information with them.

We also guarantee that we only share data with third parties within the framework established by law and for the purpose of receiving maintenance, support and operational services regarding our Web Site.

Please note that we only use third party services whose policies are aligned with ours, therefore, we make available to you the privacy policies of each of our providers in order you can understand how your information will be processed within the framework of the services provided to Genially:




Privacy Policy


Hosting Services

All customer data


Pipedrive is a sales pipeline management and CRM tool

Email, Plan, Sector, Role, Country, geniallys number, last access, Phone number


Mailchimp is the integrated marketing platform companies

User's email address, role, sector, language, plan, number of geniallys, last access, subscription type, registration date, country


Comprehensive customer service software with omnichannel service and fast amortization

Email, Plan, Subscription period, Subscription end date, Subscription start date, Subscription ID, geniallys number, Company name, LoginRRSS, Country, City, Industry, Role, Last login date, Registration date, User ID, Time zone, Language


Social Network

Allows users to share information and access the Web Site through Social Login


Social Network

Allows users to share information and access the Web Site through Social Login


Social Network

Allows users to share information and access the Web Site through Social Login


Social Network

Allows users to share information


Social Network

Allows users to share information


Social Network

Allows users to share information

Office 365

Line of subscription services offered by Microsoft

Allows users to access the Web Site through Social Login


Internet-related services and product

Allows users to access the Web Site through Social Login


A payment API package for companies operating on the Internet, including fraud prevention and subscription management

User's purchase data (email, card, country)


Online payment gateway for all transaction sizes

User purchase data (email, paypal account, country)


LogRocket combines session replay, performance monitoring, and product analytics – empowering software teams to create the ideal product experience

Record sessions of application usage or functionalities


Product guides, product marketing, help center, Surveys

Email, Plan, Subscription period, Subscription start date, Subscription end date, Subscription ID, LoginRRSS, geniallys number, Country, City, Sector, Role, Organization, Team role, Last login date, Registration date, User ID, Time zone, Language, Name, User ID, Browser, Operating System, Device

Google Analytics

Free web analytics tool from Google

User ID


Sentry provides an open source bug tracker to monitor and respond to errors and failures anywhere in your application in real time

Application error logs. User IDs and request information (IP, browser, OS) is the integrated marketing platform companies

User's email address, role, sector, language, plan, number of geniallys, last access, subscription type, registration date, country


Product guides, product marketing, help center, Surveys

Email, Plan, Subscription period, Subscription start date, Subscription end date, Subscription ID, LoginRRSS, geniallys number, Country, City, Sector, Role, Organization, Team role, Last login date, Registration date, User ID, Time zone, Language, Name, User ID, Browser, Operating System, Device


Comprehensive customer service software with omnichannel service and fast amortization

Email, Plan, Subscription period, Subscription end date, Subscription start date, Subscription ID, geniallys number, Company name, LoginRRSS, Country, City, Industry, Role, Last login date, Registration date, User ID, Time zone, Language


CDP tool

Domain information related to users' visits to personalize and improve their experience on our website


As a general rule, our suppliers are located in the European Economic Area or in countries with an adequate level of protection according to the European Commission, so we do not carry out international data transfers. However, it is possible that, in certain circumstances, some services are contracted from suppliers that do not have offices in the European Union, in these cases, Genially will enter into a standard contractual clauses approved on July 4, 2021 by the European Commission with them.

9. How long do we store your data?

We store your personal data to the extent that they are necessary for the purpose for which they were collected, that is, we will only keep your data while there is a contractual and / or business relationship with you, unless you wish to exercise your rights of opposition or deletion, in which case, they will be retained, without giving them any use, while they may be necessary for the exercise of claims or may arise some kind of legal or contractual responsibility that must be addressed and for which recovery is necessary.

10. What are your rights as a User?

As a User, you can withdraw your consent at any time when it has been granted for the processing of your data and, in no case, such withdrawal will condition the execution of the service contract or the relationships generated previously.

Likewise, at any time you can exercise your rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation, Opposition, Portability and/or to be forgotten by writing to the contact email that we have enabled for this purpose:; indicating in the subject expressly the request you wish to make or by writing to the postal address indicated in paragraph 1, indicating the reference "Personal Data", specifying the right to be exercised and with respect to what personal data.

If we are unable to verify your identity correctly, we may request additional information from you.

Below, we briefly explain what your rights consist of:

11. Where do we store your data?

Genially stores your data in the EEA, however, it is possible that certain of our suppliers may be located in third countries, in such cases, we ensure that the recipient of your Personal Information offers an adequate level of protection by entering into appropriate agreements. All international transfers are made on the basis of the EU Commission approved standard contractual clauses (“SCCs”).

Genially maintains strict organizational and technical measures to protect Personal Information stored on our, and our trusted third parties’, servers. Access to any personal information we process in order to provision the Services is limited through login credentials, multi-factor authentication, access on a need-to-know basis and restricted access to administrative accounts for the employees who require access in order to perform their duties towards you, such as providing support services.

If you want to know more about Genially´s international transfers and the measures we take to keep your Personal Information safe, please reach out to us on

12. Modifications to the Privacy Policy

It is possible that due to functional, legal or jurisprudential changes we may have to modify our Privacy Policy adapting it to such changes, for such reasons we reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy. However, you should not worry because we will inform you of any changes we make to this Privacy Policy and, if necessary, you will be asked for your consent. To this end, we will inform you of any changes thirty (30) days in advance.

13. Change of Control

Over time, Genially may grow and reorganize. We may share your information, including personal information with affiliates such as a parent company, subsidiaries, joint venture partners or other companies that we control or that are under common control with us, in which case we will require those companies to agree to use your personal information in a way that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

In the event of a change to our organizations such that all or a portion of Genially or its assets are acquired by or merged with a third-party, or in any other situation where personal information that we have collected from users would be one of the assets transferred to or acquired by that third-party, this Privacy Policy will continue to apply to your information, and any acquirer would only be able to handle your personal information as per this policy (unless you give consent to a new policy). We will provide you with notice of an acquisition within thirty (30) days following the completion of such a transaction, by posting on our homepage and by email to your email address that you provided to us. If you do not consent to the use of your personal information by such a successor company, subject to applicable law, you may request its deletion from the company.

In the unlikely event that Genially goes out of business, or files for bankruptcy, we will protect your personal information, and will not sell it to any third-party.

14. How do we protect your data?

Finally, we have to tell you that your data are safe with us since we will process them in an absolutely confidential way and we implement adequate technical and organizational measures to guarantee their security and avoid their destruction, loss, illicit access or illicit alteration.

More specifically, taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, Genially shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk, including inter alia as appropriate:

In assessing the appropriate level of security account shall be taken in particular of the risks that are presented by processing, in particular from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. If Genially becomes aware of a systems security breach by an unauthorized party or that any user data was used for an unauthorized purpose, we will comply with relevant state and other data breach laws. We will notify users of any breach resulting in unauthorized release of data electronically, at minimum, and without unreasonable delay so that you can take appropriate steps. The notification will include: date of the breach, the types of information that were subject to the breach, general description of what occurred, and steps Genially is taking to address the breach.

15. Who can answer my questions?

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us by sending an e-mail to Likewise, if you consider that your rights are not properly addressed, you have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, whose contact details are: Telephones: 901 100 099; Postal Address: C/ Jorge Juan, 6 28001-Madrid; Electronic Headquarters: and web page:

16. Definitions