Ganancias estrella Privacy Policy

Duki Apps

We care about your safety.

We take steps to help protect and secure your personal information. Your personal information is encrypted in our server system using up to date industry standards. To request for help on deliting your data, you may also contact us at .

De la app: Ganancias Estrella


· The app doesn't collect any user personal data as, for example, name, picture or location.

· Consequently, the app doesn't share any personal information with any other entity or third parties.

· Images and Videos entered by the user are sent to the app server in order to be retrieved later by the user himself, and so that the app can offer the functionalities according to its description.

· We allow third-party companies to serve ads and collect certain anonymous information when you visit our app. These companies may use anonymous information such as your Google Advertising ID, your device type and version, browsing activity, location and other technical data relating to your device, in order to provide advertisements.

Del sitio web: PrizeRebel
Tomado de: 11/12/2023

Updated Privacy Policy

iAngelic, Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Nevada, and doing business as PrizeRebel operate the website of, and the services provided through,, as well various associated social media forum (collectively referred to as "the Service", "PrizeRebel", or "Company"). Part of the Service includes opportunities to complete surveys and participate in market research and competitions for various prizes and rewards, as outlined through the Service. By their natures, surveys and market research initiatives involve users voluntarily providing information to a dynamic list of clients regarding their demographic information, which may include gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual identity, and market preferences. Participation in these surveys, research initiatives, and competitions is completely voluntary and by signing up to participate in them, you are "Opting-in" to sharing the information you provide with the client companies, as well as for other legitimate purposes as outlined below, however users are not eligible for prizes or awards from PrizeRebel without completing such surveys and initiatives. If you choose to participate and complete the surveys and initiatives and further choose to provide such information, you are consenting to the collection, use, processing, maintenance of the information as well as transfer of the information to such clients at whose requests such surveys and/or initiatives were issued. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of PrizeRebel website visitors and service users.

This policy applies where we are acting as a data controller with respect to the personal data of PrizeRebel website visitors and service users; in other words, where we determine the purpose and means of the processing of that personal data. This privacy policy "Policy" describes how PrizeRebel and its related companies (hereinafter "Company") collect, use and share personal information of users of the Service. This Policy also applies to any of our other websites that post this Policy. "Service" is defined by any process or usage offered by PrizeRebel. This Policy does not apply to websites that post different statements. This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of all information we collect, including but not limited to Personally Identifiable Information, when you use our Service because Users have the right to know what information we collect, how it is protected and used, and the circumstances under which it may be disclosed. This Policy describes the various ways that we collect and treat information and content provided by Users so as to enhance your use of our services while at the same time protect your privacy. Please read this Policy carefully, as your use of any PrizeRebel services constitutes your acceptance of and agreement to the terms and conditions of the Policy. This Policy does not cover information collected other than on or through the Website and/or provided directly from Users, including without limitation offline and on sites linked to from the Website nor does it apply to websites that post different statements. It does however cover social media accounts of PrizeRebel.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using or accessing the Service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound to all the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy as well as any other membership agreements between you and PrizeRebel applicable to the particular Service you are using or accessing.

If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy and the applicable User Agreement, please exit, and do not access or use, the Service.


Personal Data - data about a living individual who can be identified from those data (or from those and other information either in our possession or likely to come into our possession).

Usage Data - data collected automatically either generated by the use of the Service or from the Service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page visit).

Cookies - small pieces of data stored on a User's device.

Data Controller - a person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons) determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or are to be, processed. For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, we are a Data Controller of your data.

Data Processor - any person (other than an employee of the Data Controller) who processes the data on behalf of the Data Controller.

Data Subject - any living individual who is the subject of Personal Data.

User - the individual using our Service. The User corresponds to the Data Subject, who is the subject of Personal Data.

What We Collect

We collect information about you if and when you register with us, complete a survey on or place a reward order. We also collect information when you voluntarily complete member surveys, provide feedback and participate in competitions.

Information You Give Us

We collect your name, postal address, email address, phone number, username, password, demographic information (such as your gender, age, ethnicity and occupation), and other information you directly give us on our Site. If you are located in Europe, please see that section below.

User Account and Contact Information: This is information used to identify or contact you. Examples of such information would be email address, and first and last name. For example, in order to create your account, we ask for a first and last name, in addition to your email. We also use this information in tandem with a password to authenticate you when you log in to the Service.

Transaction Information: Information related to transactions you conduct on PrizeRebel, including when you start a survey or complete a survey. These functions are linked to the Service we provide on our site. For example, we store information on when you are credited for a survey, so we can credit your account.

Information Automatically Collected

We may log usage data about your use of our website and services. The usage data may include your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views, mobile advertising ID, and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency, and pattern of your service use. The source of the usage data is Google Analytics. This usage data may be processed for the purpose of analyzing the use of the website and services. The legal basis for this processing is for our legitimate interests, namely monitoring and improving our website and services.

Cookies Website usage information is collected using cookies. By agreeing to this policy and usage of, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with the terms of this policy. Cookies are small data files stored on your hard drive by a website. Cookies help us make our Site and your visit better. We use cookies to monitor and improve which parts of our Site people use and like and to count visits to our Site.

Use of Personal Information

We collect information about you to process your reward orders, manage your account, and to make available market research surveys that we think may be of interest to you.

We use your information that is voluntarily submitted through the website in order to bring you surveys from third-party survey companies. If you agree to the usage of the site, we shall pass on your personal information to the third-party companies so they may offer you their products and services.

We use your personal information as follows:

We may process your personal data that are provided in the course of the use of our services. The source of the service data is you and your usage of the site. The service data may be processed for the purposes of operating our website, providing our services, ensuring the security of our website and services, maintaining back-ups of our databases and communicating with you.

Children's Privacy Policy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 16 or knowingly allow such persons to provide us with their personal information without parent or guardian consent. If you are under the age of 16, do not send any information about yourself to us or signup for an account. Minors age 16 to 17 are permitted to access the services of the site only by asking and obtaining verbal parental permission. It is the responsibility of the individual and the parent to ensure such permissions are obtained.

In the event we learn that we collected personal information from anyone under the age of 16, and do not have a parent or guardian's consent, we will dispose of that information in accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act and other applicable laws and regulations. If you are a parent or guardian and you believe that your child under the age of 16 years old has provided us with information without your consent, please contact us at and we will take steps to ensure that such information is deleted from our systems.

Sharing of Personal Information

Please be advised that the Service provides information submitted voluntarily by Users, including personally identifiable and demographic information, to client companies. In exchange for the information, Users are eligible to receive rewards and prizes. To that end, we may share your personal information as follows:

We may share your personal information with market research and survey sampling companies in order for you to receive survey opportunities that fit your demographic. Such information may include, without limitation, Gender, Marital Status, Household Income, Age, Ethnicity and Occupation information. Please see the sections below titled "Survey Communication" and "Users Located in Europe" for more information. You can opt out at any time. Those uses will be subject to their privacy policies.

We may share personal information when we do a business deal, or negotiate a business deal, involving sale or transfer of all or a part of our business or assets. These deals can include any merger, financing, acquisition, or bankruptcy transaction or proceeding.

We may share personal information for legal, protection, and safety purposes.

We may share information to comply with laws.

We may share information to respond to lawful requests and legal process.

We may share information to protect the rights and property of PrizeRebel, our agents, customers, and others. This includes enforcing our agreements, policies, and terms of use.

We may share information in an emergency. This includes protecting the safety of our employees and agents, our customers, or any person.

We may disclose your personal data to any member of our group of companies (this means our subsidiaries) as reasonably necessary for the purpose set out in this policy.

We may disclose your personal submitted data to our third-party survey providers and advertisers as reasonably necessary for the purpose of obtaining surveys or advertisement offers.

Our site may include third-party advertising networks such as HyprMX. These networks determine independently how to use your submitted information, so please review their linked privacy policies to learn more.

PrizeRebel may share your personal information and/or social-demographic information, including, without limitation, a unique identification number ("UID"), postal code, region, province, gender, marital status, education, ethnicity/race (where permitted by applicable law), employment related information, non-personally identifiable information on household members, consumer product and service usage and ownership (e.g., computers, cars, mobile devices, video games, etc.), home ownership, pet ownership, employment information (e.g., title, role, travel, industry, etc.), mobile advertising id and social grade, with third-party sample/market research ("Third-Party MR") companies for the following purposes:

If you are eligible for a client survey opportunity offered through a Third-Party MR Company, the Third-Party MR Company will provide your unique identification number and a survey link to us and we will invite you to participate in the client survey through surveys shown on the site or via email. We will not share your name, email address, or phone number with the Third-Party MR Companies.

In connection with the sharing of your information with a Third-Party MR Company, your information may be transferred and stored outside of your country of residence, including, without limitation, in the United States, and by agreeing to this privacy policy you are agreeing to the processing and exportation of your personal information as set forth in this Section.

If you have any questions about this data sharing please contact use at or you can opt-out by contacting our support team on your account page. If you opt-out, it is the responsibility of us to inform the Third-Party MR Companies. Please note that PrizeRebel is solely liable and responsible for managing all opt-out requests. Your participation in such survey opportunities does not entitle you to any benefits offered by, or membership with, the Third-Party MR Companies.

Users Located in Europe

If you are located in Europe, please be advised of the following required by the General Data Protection Regulation:

Users located in California

If you are located in California, please be advised of the following required by the California Consumer Privacy Act.

For more information, please see below.

In order to make a request, you may contact us here or submit a support ticket from your account here. We will verify your request using the information associated with your account, including email address. Government identification may be required. Consumers can also designate an authorized agent to exercise these rights on their behalf. You may request this information twice per 12-month period. You will not be discriminated for opting into any of your rights under the CCPA.

Survey Communication

Based on the email and demographic information that you provide us, we may occasionally send you survey opportunities from our partners and clients by email or display surveys to you upon your logging into To opt out from receiving any survey opportunities, please visit or follow the opt out link in any email that you receive from

Information Choices and Changes

By virtue of the nature of the Service, you acknowledge that by creating an account and participating in surveys, you are opting-in to receiving communications from the Service. Our emails contain instructions on how to "opt-out." To opt out, please visit If you opt out, we may still send you non-marketing emails. Non-marketing emails include transactional emails about your accounts.

You may send requests about personal information to our Contact Information below. You can request to change contact choices, opt-out of our sharing with others, and update your personal information.

You can typically remove and reject cookies from our Site with your browser settings. Many browsers are set to accept cookies until you change your settings. If you remove or reject our cookies, it could affect how our Site works for you.

Security of your Personal Information

We take steps to help protect and secure your personal information. Your personal information is encrypted in our server system using up to date industry standards. However, no company can fully prevent security risks.

Contact Information

We welcome your comments or questions about this Privacy Policy. You may also contact us at

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update and change this Privacy Policy from time to time by publishing a new version on our website. If we make any changes, we will change the Last Updated date below.

This Privacy Policy was last Updated on 12/31/19.