Anti -Discrimination stance

Students Coming Forward

Anonymous 10th

"While in the classroom, I heard people saying all gays should go to hell."

"Teachers told us if we accept LGBTQ people we would have to accept incest."

Anonymous 10th

"People call me the n-word on a regular basis."

"People asked if I have water since I'm African."

"Many times, people tell me slave jokes and expect me to laugh."

Anonymous 10th

"My friends say they would kill their child if they came out as gay or trans."

Anonymous 9th

"I have heard people call a black person a monkey in the hallways."

Anonymous 10th

"Our bible teacher showed us many abortion vidos during class and stated that the government isnt doing enough to stop abortion."

Anonymous 10th

"Whenever I walk into class, teachers are playing the news and start going on rants about the democratic party."

BCS Anti-Discrimination Statement

BCS Statement

While the school technically can’t discriminate based on the applicant’s race or disability, they can still discriminate on a plethora of other things. They may discriminate based on the applicant’s sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religion, immigrant status.

LREI Anti-Discrimination Statement

LREI Statement

Compared to my previous school, LREI does not exclude any specific group. They say that they “enroll students from diverse religious, ethnic, racial, and economic backgrounds and gender identities.”

Allison Isbell Vice Principal

"We need to recognize that students are forming their own political beliefs."

"We are not here talking about which president we want, we are here talking about the process of selecting a president in this democratic society."

"We deeply believe that every single person should have equal rights under the law at a minimum."