You should always include at least one generic family name in a font-family list, since there's no guarantee that any given font is available. This lets the browser select an acceptable fallback font when necessary.

The font-family property specifies a list of fonts, from highest priority to lowest. Font selection does not stop at the first font in the list that is on the user's system. Rather, font selection is done one character at a time, so that if an available font does not have a glyph for a needed character, the latter fonts are tried. When a font is only available in some styles, variants, or sizes, those properties may also influence which font family is chosen.

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Generic font families are a fallback mechanism, a means of preserving some of the style sheet author's intent when none of the specified fonts are available. Generic family names are keywords and must not be quoted. A generic font family should be the last item in the list of font family names. The following keywords are defined:

Glyphs in cursive fonts generally have either joining strokes or other cursive characteristics beyond those of italic typefaces. The glyphs are partially or completely connected, and the result looks more like handwritten pen or brush writing than printed letter work.

Glyphs are taken from the default user interface font on a given platform. Because typographic traditions vary widely across the world, this generic is provided for typefaces that don't map cleanly into the other generics.

Font family names must either be given quoted as strings, or unquoted as a sequence of one or more identifiers. This means that punctuation characters and digits at the start of each token must be escaped in unquoted font family names.

Variables are one of my favorite things in the latest version of Figma. However, one thing that I would love to see is to be able to make the font family that all of my font styles are based off of a text variable.

This is obviously less memory efficient, as it means you have x number of hidden label frames at any given moment, but is a good enough work around for now until we get more control of font related matters directly through variables.

I suppose you mean how can you change the final font appearance, not the editor one.

To do that, you have to customize the CSS you find in userstyle.css, which is a file used to personalize the appearance of Joplin notes. Its location may vary in different OSs.

And so on. But I expect at least Georgia will succeed, as this is one of the standard fonts on Windows. You are completely free to choose whatever you like. For the viewer (the most right panel) no monospace is required.

Sorry guys, should have been a little more specific.Yeah James, the text isn't using the font anywhere in the body when I view through a browser BUT if I apply the same font-family to one of my div elements it does???

So yes, there is a difference, but one that's unlikely to cause any problems. Personally, I have always quoted font names when they contain spaces. In a few (presumably very rare) cases, the quotes are absolutely required:

Font family names that happen to be the same as a keyword value ('inherit', 'serif', 'sans-serif', 'monospace', 'fantasy', and 'cursive') must be quoted to prevent confusion with the keywords with the same names. The keywords 'initial' and 'default' are reserved for future use and must also be quoted when used as font names.

According to the CSS Fonts Module Level 3 spec of October 2013, "font family names other than generic families must either be given quoted as strings, or unquoted as a sequence of one or more identifiers". So you DO NOT need to enclose them in quotes.

But if the name of the police font contains some special characters, or starts with a number contains a quotes or others strange things (like "01 Digitall" or "a_CityNovaTitulB&WLt" or "Bailey'sCar"), you must use a special syntax with " which can be applied to all kinds of stranges fonts names:

I don't really know much about web fonts but just looking through this - -otf-fonts-on-web-browsers - the code seems to have a source url, do I need to download Adobe Caslon Pro, and upload it somewhere to get a url?

I'm having a similar issue to this where I added some custom CSS to change a couple headings on my site using a font that is already downloaded to Squarespace. Unfortunately, The font is not showing up on mobile. Are you able to figure out why?

I have never used this before (my css tinkering has only ever been with Joplin css). However from examples I have seen this is a method of defining a webfont on a website. The font would normally be .woff or .woff2 and the url would be a relative path on the site leading to where the woff font file is located on the webserver.

What I'm after is using @font-face within the Neptune theme by @hrqmonteiro to be able to link the variable selectors within : root. I was going about it using @font-face to be able to have the font be available with/without internet connection. And to be able to add a path back to the original font-family that I determine the name of (by using @font-face).

The way the : root selector is linked (say to the variable --font-sans within body for example) you can see how you'd be able to add in a font to be able to use that selector. That is what I am after with @font face.

You need two fonts with the FontAwesome and Material Icons glyphs, one sans-serif and one monospaced . The sans i use in all the titles and pretty much the rest of the theme, and the monospaced is used, obviously, on the markdown editor. You can get fonts patched with both glyphs (and more) using any of the Nerd Fonts, you can download any of them on the website, ...

While I agree that maybe the font size should be easier to change, the nice thing about using CSS files is that you can change everything, not only what the joplin devs think is important. This is very powerful, and a feature enjoyed by many Joplin users (including myself)

For example, if you want to change the body font in the rendered note you can add the below to userstyle.css. After adding this text and saving the file you must restart Joplin. Not close and reopen the window, close the app using File > Quit and restart.

If you upload the font's file (with the new name) to the server you can use it after defining it as a font. For example:If I want Arial to be called Ari, I can just change the file's name and upload it to my server. Then I will just write the following line in the css file:

Thank-you. But I already know how to change fonts in a single document. What I need to know is how to make the same font changes in each of 240 documents all at once without manually doing each file one-by-one.

That is what I need and am asking for. If the only way to change the documents is to manually do each one separately, then say so. I already know how to manually make the font changes in one document within an interactive LibreOffice Writer session.

Each document (one 2-sided page) has 4 frames and 6 text boxes (1 or 2 per frame). I cannot find a way to select an entire document, nor can I select everything in a frame (the selection leaves out the text boxes). Am I really stuck making 10 selections and font changes in every document?

With Paragraph Styles you just need to modify the font in the parent style (often Default Paragraph style) to change the font in all the child styles, except the ones which have had the font changed in which case you change the font there. Job Done. Even easier using allittoz answer, just change one document

Started trying it with just one document first.

Discovered that there were a few Chinese characters in it.

After figuring out the original and desired font names for Chinese characters, it was easy to adapt your suggested solution.

It tested out successfully both on a document with Chinese characters and on a document with no Chinese characters.

I have now successfully converted the fonts all 240 documents. 0852c4b9a8

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