
Dr. Ilkay Oksuz  is currently an Associate Prof. in Computer Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University.   His current research interests are in machine learning and deep learning, with a focus on medical image quality assessment,  medical image reconstruction and electricity price forecasting.  He has been awarded Tubitak International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers to lead the project entitled "Interpretable Deep Learning for Fast Medical Image Reconstruction and Analysis". He is currently leading the Predictive Intelligence and Medical Imaging (PIMI) Lab.

 Previously, he has been worked as  a member of the Motion Modelling and Analysis group in King's College London under mentorship of Dr. Andrew King and Prof. Julia Schnabel since  August 2017. He got his Ph.D. degree in Computer, Decision and Systems Science from IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, under supervision of Prof. Sotirios Tsaftaris. In 2017, he worked as a visiting researcher in IDCOM lab of The University of Edinburgh. In 2016, he was a postgraduate fellow at Diagnostic Radiology Department of Yale University under mentorship of Prof. Xenios Papademetris.  He received his Msc. degree in September 2013 under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Devrim Unay