DeCoAgent Framework


DeCoAgentLib.Jadex — DeCoAgent Jadex Extension - Opensource Project

DeCoAgentLib.Net — DeCoAgentLib.Net download link in form of a NuGet package.

DeCoMeta — The link provides DeCoMeta assembly in form of a NuGet oackage.

DeCoModel Item Template — DeCoModel Item Template is an item template for DeCoStudio and a package of domain-specific language (DSL) of DeCoMeta and provides a modeling environment for DeCoModels.

DeCoStudio Visual Studio Project Template — DeCoStudio Visual Studio Project Template enables a fast start for working with DeCoModels.

NeNe.Deco — Deliberative Coherence Computation Library (NeNe.DeCo) is an assembly based on a artificial neural network library (NeNe and NeNe.ANN)

NeNeMeta — A metamodel for generic neural networks, which are used in the computation of coherence in the connectionist algortihms.