
All testimonials were done anonymously during team bonding events.

Life Bulb

What are you proud of from your experience on the Okanagan iGEM Competitive Team?

"I am proud of my ability to lead and keep a relatively organized subgroup even if it feels overwhelming at times. Getting so heavily involved in this group has been a blast, as I wanted to get more involved on campus in something that interests me! Working and growing together has felt really special. There aren’t any other experiences like this on campus! We’ve come SO FAR since January! Hundreds of hours of meetings later… "

"Getting more confident in myself and various skills and knowledge I have had at a basic level already, expanding on that feels good. I’m excited to continue to learn and grow more."

"Going out of my comfort zone in signing up for this team, it was definitely worth it! "

"Honing lab techniques and skills that I can use in future lab work and iGEM labs."

"I feel like I've learned a lot in different fields and went way beyond of what I'd learn from the average university experience." 

"I enjoy being a part of team projects and working with others and learning from all they bring to the table."

"Learned how to delegate, be proactive, learn about synthetic biology."

"Learning about research in a fun and friendly way, helping me consider a more research-focused career. Getting opportunities that I would not have gotten normally in my classes."

"Getting to work with people from different backgrounds and experiences!"

"Gained a new family and friends."

"Getting more comfortable in lab work and expanding my knowledge of biology. Learning some new softwares and techniques. Meeting new people outside my major who are super awesome!"