In The Classroom

The 4 Cs - Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration

Understanding and Implementing the 4 Cs in the Classroom

The Four C's: Making 21st Century Education Happen

The 4 C's of 21st Century Skills - Collaboration, Creativity, Communication, Critical Thinking

How South Dakota Region #3 Teacher of the Year Dina Vander Wilt makes the most of technology in her Kindergarten classroom.


Below, please find a few videos of teachers sharing how they use Flipgrid in their classroom.

How To Make A Singalong Video In Flipgrid

KLIP - Using Flipgrid in the High School Classroom - Christian County

Using Flipgrid for Student Presentations | High School Spanish Teacher

3 Very Cool Ways to Use Flipgrid in the Classroom

Using Flipgrid to Build Classroom Community During Distance Learning

Teacher Tech Tip in Ten: Using Flipgrid in the Classroom

PowerPoint, Microsoft Forms, Office 365 Ideas, and Show-What-You-Know Projects


Around the World in a SWAY, tales of Skype in the Classroom Adventures 2017

Bureau of Fearless Ideas uses Sway to reimagine digital storytelling with students

Sway in the Classroom