Computation and Programming

I am interested in studying economic concepts and models through computational methods. Using programs and simulations, I can visualize the dynamic elements of economic theories and experiment with various scenarios/examples, enhancing my comprehension. This approach allows me to simulate models that are challenging to solve analytically.

My primary goal is to visualize and work with concepts and solutions pertinent to my research while constructing instructive examples. I have also created several engaging exercises to reinforce my understanding of economic concepts, which I have implemented in Python and MATLAB. I am proficient in Python, MATLAB, and Mathematica.

I have added some screenshots below.

Based on papers I am working on

Fair allocation with (semi-single-peaked) preferences over location and quantity 

(manuscript details)

A graphic user interface with the allocation triangle, to ascertain the Pareto efficient and envy-free allocations. One can also input the relevant preference parameters and get the reference for the case in the paper.

Python Console Below

Social influence within clusters and stochastic choices (manuscript details)

One can enter the details of preferences in a cluster. And the stochastic (fixed-point) probabilities are evaluated running over varying proportions of preferences and idiosyncratic resistance to influence. 

Games with best responses for available strategies 

The user can input actions for the two players and utility matrix (can be randomized). The program outputs Nash equilibrium for simultaneous game, sequential game. The the game can be broken in stages and sub-game perfect Nash is found. 

Other fun stuff

Axelrod experiment with repeated games. User can define various strategies like tit-for-tat, always defect etc. Various strategies can be made to play with each other or all with all. One can study stability of cooperation, retaliation, add various kinds of noise. 

Block Marschak Polynomials- The user can enter the weight for each preference order and get the BM polynomials or do the reverse exercise. 

Wealth Games- Starting from a wealth distribution and letting agents trade, levy taxes and/or provide subsidy. Seeing the final "stable" distribution of wealth if any. 

Conspicuous Consumption- Agents are in a predefined network structure and are endowed with different amounts of two goods. Then they are allowed to trade among each other. Good 1 is taken as money and the good 2 has utility that depends on the amount one has relative to immediate neighbors.

Screenshot below (amount of good 1 and 2)

Spread/ Adoption of new technology, Threshold Models- Some agents are endowed with a "new" technology. Each agent has a threshold, where if the sum of neighboring agents that have adopted the new technology exceeds the threshold, they adopt it. Under various initial conditions, one can see the adoption/spread of new technology. 

Early Adopters

On path of spread

Cooperative Game Theory- User enters the value of coalitions. Program calculates Shapley Value and Pre-nucleolus