In Ayurveda, ojas is our radiance, our vigor. It influences everything from our immunity, digestion, physical strength, and the health of our skin to our spiritual inclination, sleep, and mood.

Ojas (OH-JUS) is one of the three subtle forces in our body. Think of ojas as the container that holds your abundant energy. It is the ultimate energy reserve of the body and mind. It is the purest essence of kapha, and physically, it is related to reproductive, hormonal, and cerebrospinal fluids.

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The more ojas we have, the more impervious we are to the negativity of others, as our own spirit has a good, strong container. Ojas gives us an overall sense of satisfaction with life. As you might suspect, our modern Western culture is chronically low in ojas.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, ojas has everything to do with immunity. Robust ojas acts as a soft shielding, helping us ward off stress and disease brought on by physical pathogens as well as psychic pathogens (emotional vampires be gone!).

Ayurveda has a long tradition of supporting and promoting pregnancy, and the cultivation of ojas becomes especially important if we are trying to conceive a child. Often, an Ayurvedic practitioner will recommend beginning to build healthy ojas many months before trying to conceive, and ojas continues to play an important role throughout the pregnancy itself, as well as during the post-partum journey of stepping fully into parenthood.

Ojas is the life-giving sap that nourishes all of the tissues of the body. According to Ayurveda, the health of our reproductive organs and fluids depend entirely on the health of the other tissues, and on our healthy reserve of ojas itself. So whether we are seeking to support fertility or ensure a healthy journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond, the idea of ojas is absolutely essential.

For all of these reasons and more, ojas is the most important element for most of us to cultivate. This is especially true if we are trying to conceive a child, deal with a stressful life event, or overcome an illness. So what are some ways that we can build ojas?

When it comes to what to eat to build strong ojas, the most important thing is to choose foods that are fresh, organic, seasonally available, and appropriate to your dosha. Here are a few recipes ideas that are especially nourishing and ojas-building:

One of the easiest and most delicious ways to support ojas is by adding Chyavanprash to your diet. Our Chyavanprash is based on a traditional Ayurvedic formula that has been used for millennia to strengthen and rejuvenate the body, support proper function of the immune system, and provide the essential building blocks of ojas!

The seat of ojas within the body is said to be the heart, and it is composed primarily of water and earth elements. Ojas can be increased, repaired and protected by eating pure and nourishing (sattvic) foods, practicing meditation and developing a balanced lifestyle.

Since ojas is responsible for all cerebrospinal and reproductive fluid, it plays a particularly important role in conception and pregnancy. As a life-giving sap that nourishes all bodily tissues, increasing the production of ojas is vital in order to support fertility and healthy pregnancy.

In this blog, we will share more about the 3 subtle doshas- prana, tejas and ojas and how we can support these energies of our subtle body to create greater balance and alignment in our mind, body and soul.

More subtly, ojas is also the essence of our mind, thoughts and impressions held in our subconsciousness. Mind distilled of all its impurities is ojas. It is responsible for the calm in our minds and for supporting the higher states of consciousness. For this reason, if we are physically weak, lacking in vigor, it becomes that much more difficult to rise higher in our journey towards our self. This explains the importance given to yoga abhyasa and diet, for spiritual growth.

Ojas is also linked to and is an indicator of how strong your digestion is going to be. When the food you eat is light to digest and is fully metabolized, the end result is that ojas increases in your body. Good digestion and transformation of the food into dhatus, leaves you with high ojas.

The ubiquitous stress, anxiety and exposure to negativity and environmental pollution, coupled with a life that is so misaligned from nature including our diet, sleep routine, and state of wellness, all have an impact on the level of ojas in our body. Rejuvenation and self-care is the key to increase the ojas in our body. We need to pay attention to our lifestyle, the food we eat, and how we facilitate the removal of toxins that build in our system from time to time through mind-body practices and wellness systems such as Ayurveda.

Foods that are richest in Ojas include ghee or clarified butter, nuts, dates, raw milk of cow, fresh leafy vegetables, avocados, banana, figs, sweet potatoes, yams, beans, tofu, whole grains, turnip and zucchini. Stay away from raw, undercooked foods, or foods that are frozen, fried or stale. That immediately compromises your ojas levels. Also avoid alcohol, white sugar, refined flour, processed foods or foods with preservatives.

Ayurveda teaches that ojas is most refined product of healthy digestion. It's something intangible, kind of like beauty. I immediately connect ojas with the glow and the radiant physical beauty that some of us seem to possess effortlessly. We often see that kind of radiance as an elusive quality, but if it's deepened by ojas, and ojas is made through digestion, it follows that every one of us can nourish that glow within ourselves. e24fc04721

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