The voice of the Spirit Tree in the forest of Nibel narrates the story of when Ori, a guardian spirit, fell from it during a storm as a newborn and was adopted by a creature named Naru, who raised Ori as her own.[7] A cataclysmic event soon makes the forest wither, and Naru dies of starvation. Newly orphaned, Ori is left to explore the forest on their own.[5][7][8] After collapsing near the Spirit Tree and being revived by it, Ori later meets Sein, a small orb who guides Ori on a journey to restore the forest.[6] Sein tasks Ori with recovering the light of three main elements supporting the balance of Nibel: Waters, Winds, and Warmth.

Ori and Sein come across two beings in their quest: Gumo, the last survivor of the spider-like Gumon clan, who were wiped out by the forest's cataclysm, and whose home supports the Wind element; and Kuro, a giant, shadowy owl who is hostile toward Ori. Gumo initially steals the key to the Water element, but he returns it after Ori saves him from a rockslide. After the Wind element is rekindled, Ori and Sein find Kuro's nest, empty except for a single egg, and they learn the source of her wrath and the forest's cataclysm: when Ori was lost, the Spirit Tree released a flash of light to look for them, which burned and killed all of Kuro's recently hatched offspring when she was away from her nest looking for food. Determined to prevent this from happening to her yet unborn child, Kuro took away the core on top of the Spirit Tree, which is actually Sein. Without its core, the Spirit Tree could not sustain the three elements, and Nibel lost its balance. Meanwhile, Gumo overhears Ori and Sein's intentions to restore Nibel and uses his clan treasure that stores the light from the Spirit Tree to revive Naru, taking her to where Ori is.

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After the final element, Warmth, is restored in the volcano Mount Horu, Kuro attacks Ori and Sein as the fire from Horu spreads. Naru, who had been separated from Gumo, arrives to protect Ori from Kuro. Kuro softens, remembering the pain of losing her children. As the fire spreads and is about to reach her remaining egg, Kuro takes Sein back to the Spirit Tree, which emits a flash of bright light that dissipates the fire and restores the forest, but Kuro is destroyed by the light. Time passes as the forest begins to flourish once more, and Ori watches new spirits being born in the field at the foot of the Spirit Tree. Gumo and Naru watch together from afar, before the latter goes home, where Kuro's last egg now rests, just in time to see it begin to hatch.

I understand that the main character's named Ori, and it was just a name given to them by the developers. But why is it called the Blind Forest? Is the forest blind? Is the forest living, but doesn't have eyes to see?

The forest of Nibel is dying. After a powerful storm sets a series of devastating events in motion, an unlikely hero must journey to find their courage and confront a dark nemesis to save their home. Join Ori, the last Spirit Guardian, as they discover the mysteries of a decaying forest while escaping the evil clutches of Kuro, the dark owl. Play through a beautifully created environment while combating Kuro and completing in-game puzzles to help Ori save the forest.

The peace in the forest of Nibel, which at first glance seems to be kept well by the harmonious branches of the Spirit Tree, is suddenly shattered with a breathtaking roar of thunder. A great storm breaks out, pummeling the forest with heavy rain and lightning and breaking off one of the shining leaves of the Spirit Tree. A powerful gust of wind sends the leaf tumbling in fluid, dazzling motions along the air currents, far from its home.

After Naru and Ori make it to the other side of their part of the forest and collect an abundance of fruit to consume, the player controls Ori to return to the cave where they live, carrying a pile of fruit in their arms. At the entrance to the cave, Ori is stopped by a dull roaring in the distance, as the Spirit Tree calls out to them in a brilliant display of light. Ori stares in shock at this amazing event, only to be pulled to the safety of the cave by Naru, fearful of the Spirit Tree's summoning cry.

Following the devastation during which Kuro stole the Spirit Tree's light (a plot point not revealed until later), the forest begins to decay. Several fades show the change in Swallow's Nest over time, each passing moment revealing dying vegetation and less fruit. Finally, as the Spirit Tree narrates that "hope never came", the player's control shifts to Naru. She leaves a sleeping Ori in the cave and attempts to find more food, but once outside, it is obvious that Nibel has been drastically altered. Where beautiful greenery and blossoms once bloomed, only wilted plants and dry trees can be found. Even the Spirit Tree, which once watched majestically over Nibel, is reduced to a crumbled silhouette amongst dusty gray clouds. Naru's search for any nourishment turns up empty and the few (and presumably last) little clusters of fruit are nestled high in a tree, far from her reach.

Naru returns to the cave, defeated and saddened, where Ori still rests peacefully. She offers Ori one last piece of fruit, kindly declining it herself, before resting on the cave floor. Concerned for its adoptive mother, Ori goes out and is able to retrieve the last of the fruit from the top of the tree via a hollow at the base. With an armful of fruit, Ori returns to the cave, seeing transparent, ghostly figures of its life with Naru along the way; mirages of Ori's memories. Just before entering the cave, a silhouette of Gumo is visible in the foreground. Upon entering the cave, Ori gladly offers Naru some of the fruit, but is heartbroken to find she has passed away, likely due to starvation. Ori briefly curls up on her with grief before eventually leaving Swallow's Nest, "with no reason to stay". Ori travels through the darkened forest of Nibel, alone, scared, and increasingly weakened from hunger. With the last of its strength, Ori crawls onto a log positioned in the foreground of the Spirit Tree and draws its last breath. At this, the Spirit Tree uses the last of its power to revive Ori, creating a vibrant display of white flowers. At this moment, the prologue ends and the game officially starts.

After being revived, Ori travels through the Sunken Glades evading enemies until they find a mysterious light. The ball of light is Sein, the eyes and source of the Spirit Tree's light. Sein becomes Ori's guide and support and protects them from enemies. They travel to the Spirit Tree and revisit the reason why Nibel has begun to decay. During the Light Ceremony that was intended to call Ori back home, the Spirit Tree and Ori's kin were attacked by the dark owl, Kuro. She stole Sein from the Spirit Tree's branches and disrupted the balance of the three Elements of Light, throwing Nibel into chaos. Sein tells Ori that the Spirit Tree used the rest of its light to revive Ori and that the fate of the forest now rests on their shoulders. After hearing about how they must travel to the Ginso Tree, Forlorn Ruins, and Mount Horu in order to restore the Elements, Ori begins their journey with determination to save their home.

Through skill and courage, Ori overcomes the mountain's trials and rekindles the Element of Warmth. However, before they have chance to celebrate, Kuro appears and pursues Ori from the mountain in a final race as Horu's flames begin to ignite Nibel's forest. Ori and Sein barely manage to escape, with Sein imploring Ori to continue to revive the Spirit Tree as their final goal. Before they can make it to the tree, Kuro swoops in and grabs Sein, pinning Ori beneath her talons. Naru, meanwhile, has made it through the mountain and confronts Kuro at the edge of the burning forest. She bravely approaches Ori and cradles her child in her arms. This act sobers Kuro who is reminded of her own love for her chicks. Suddenly, she looks back to her nest, realizing that her last egg lies at risk of Horu's rampaging flames. Remorseful, and to save her egg, Kuro flies to the Spirit Tree and returns Sein to its rightful place. Sein restores the tree and sends out a powerful wave of rejuvenating light, extinguishing the fires and obliterating Kuro.

Ori and the Blind Forest begins as a storm buffets the ancient, life-sustaining Spirit Tree, and a single, magical leaf is blown away to land in the forest below. The leaf, it turns out, is a cat-like creature named Ori. Ori is found and adopted by the kind Naru, who raises Ori as her own. The pair live a happy life until one night, when the Spirit Tree is corrupted, leaving the forest "blind" and dying. With everything he cares about at stake, Ori meets the spirit Sein and sets off to restore the Spirit Tree and save the forest.

First, there's real characterization and personality to Ori and the other inhabitants of the forest. Moon Studios takes enough time at the beginning of the game to invest you in the story and its leads before putting everything in danger, all without feeling too cutscene-driven. Ori treats its characters with care and respect, granting them motivations and personalities, all with almost no dialogue to speak of. There are villains in the forest, but there's no clear evil, not really.

That introduction comes not via title character Ori, but through Naru, a large lolloping creature living in Nibel forest, who simultaneously evokes memories of both Totoro and the faceless masked spirit from Spirited Away. Those Studio Ghibli stylings can't be accidental, as indie collective Moon Studios delivers much the same rich, deep and gentle visuals that made Hayao Miyazaki's work so beloved. Naru plods through lush bucolic scenery with real weight, his belly swaying just so. The hazy dappled lighting is beautiful, the 2D gameplay field augmented with multiple scrolling layers, each painstakingly animated. It's so inviting, so tangible, that if you have hayfever you may find yourself stifling a sneeze. e24fc04721

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