Teacher/Staff Compact

Teacher/Staff Compact

OHVA is proud of the talented group of licensed, Highly Qualified teachers and support staff in our school. They are trained to help you and your student(s) to be successful in Ohio Virtual Academy. Teachers and support staff have the following responsibilities to their OHVA students/families:

    • I believe that all students benefit from encouragement to maximize their academic potential and every student has the ability to achieve success.

    • Strong academic achievement as measured by the Ohio State Assessments and progress within the K12 curriculum is a common goal for teachers, staff, students, and Learning Coaches.

    • I understand that my priority is to provide direct academic support during school hours, and I will remain actively engaged with my students and Learning Coaches to respond to their individual learning needs and communications within 24-hours (email & telephone) in most cases.

    • I will be an expert in my content area, the K12 curriculum, and relevant academic content standards for my assignment area, and courses for which I am Highly Qualified.

    • I believe a strong and positive relationship between the administrator, teacher, staff member, student, and Learning Coach through consistent and professional quality communication is fundamental to student achievement, student continuation, and increased parent satisfaction.

    • I will be flexible, understanding, and supportive of students’ and Learning Coaches’ individual needs for teaching accommodations and programmatic or curricular modifications to meet individual student learning needs.

    • I will keep current and accurate documentation as I provide instruction based on student data, engaging Class Connect sessions, and alternative learning activities to increase student achievement and retention.

    • I will provide meaningful, usable, and appropriate feedback on student performance to enhance student achievement by keeping accurate and current documentation.

    • I will develop a collaborative partnership with my grade level team, my students’ academic team, and with my colleagues throughout OHVA.

    • I will be knowledgeable of, implement, and abide by OHVA policies and procedures in the OHVA Employee Handbook and OHVA School Handbook, which include departmental practices.

    • I will participate in regular and ongoing professional development opportunities to support the school’s student academic improvement initiatives.