Supplemental Hours

Supplemental hours

Below you will find frequently asked questions about supplemental hours.

What Counts for Supplemental Hours?

1. OHVA F2F activities or online clubs may count for supplemental attendance hours. 

2. Teachable moments (whenever you are teaching a child a skill for the first time) Examples:

                   Repetitive tasks are not countable. Examples:

 3. Sports, health, and music activities beyond the curriculum.  Examples:

 4. Learning activities shared by siblings – all involved in activities meant for one.   Examples:

5. Activities in which no new skills are mastered are not countable. Examples:

6. Games which support skill development, provide new knowledge, or higher level thinking skills. Examples:

7. Games that do not provide sound educational outcomes, or only utilize skills already fully mastered are not countable.

Examples: Card games such as “War” or “Snap” after basic matching skills are mastered.

What about supplemental hours for Health and Technology, as listed in the OLS attendance fields?

Not all grade levels will have the option of Health and Technology attendance fields.  Consult with your student’s teacher for specific grade level guidelines.  

Can we count learning time using ohva instructional tools like reading eggs, aimswebplus, or dreambox, for example?

Yes! Make sure you add in attendance time spent using instructional tools.  These programs are a part of the student’s typical school day, depending on the grade level. 

can attending school outing and events count toward supplemental attendance hours?

Yes! Learning opportunities at school F2F events and outings, and even parent-led activities can count toward supplemental hours.