English Learner (EL) Program/English as a second language (ESL) Program

English as a Second Language (Esl) and English Learners (EL) English Learner Program

Ohio Virtual Academy supports students identified as English Learners (EL) by providing language instruction to accelerate their English language acquisition for academic success. Any families that have questions either about EL services for a student, or language support for parents/guardians, are encouraged to speak to a teacher or administrator. OHVA’s EL Policy can be found in the appendix of this handbook.

Notification of Language Assistance Services: All parents and guardians of OHVA students may request free language translation services at any time. Parents and guardians may request information about Academy programs and activities in a language they can understand. A free, professional live interpreter may be requested at any time by asking a teacher/administrator or by contacting the school directly at 877-648-2512.