Social & Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which people gain and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make decisions.

SEL at OHVA & Resources

This is a whole school initiative providing tools to combat anxiety and stress, as well as taking a minute to breathe. Find the OHVA Yoga website HERE

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3. Emotion Regulation 

The Zones of Regulation is used at OHVA to help students gain emotion regulation understanding and strategies. 

Below are articles that can give you new tools to help your students learn to control their behaviors and emotions in response to a particular situation.

How Can We Help Kids With Self-Regulation?

How to Develop and Practice Self-Regulation 

Strategies for Teaching Kids Self-Regulation 

Anxiety is a common issue among children. Approximately one in eight children are affected by this disorder, and can often occur alongside eating disorders, ADHD, and depression. Of course, everyone experiences the feeling of anxiety occasionally, and some anxiety experienced by children can be situational.

Parents and teachers can help students who are experiencing anxiety by doing the following:


A quarter to 1/3 of US students say they have been bullied at school. Bullying can take the form of verbal, social, or cyberbullying, and can impact children into adulthood. 

Solutions to bullying are not simple. The most promising approaches to preventing bullying are those that utilize many different angles at once. They need to involve the entire school in creating a culture of respect. Research shows that parents/guardians keeping lines of communication open with their children can help when students are involved in bullying and also when they know that others need help. (Source:

5. Helping Children Cope with Bullying

6. Suicide Prevention

What should I do if I suspect someone is suicidal?

Seek help for that person as soon as possible! Stay with that person or contact someone who will ensure that the individual is safe and is able to make sure that person continues to be safe.


1. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

The Lifeline provides 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for individuals or their loved ones and best practices for professionals. An online chat option is also available, or people who are deaf or hard of hearing.

2. Crisis Text Line– Text HOME to 741741

Any Ohio resident who needs help coping with a stressful situation can reach out 24/7 by test. This is private, secure, and confidential communication with a crisis counselor who can respond with help on suicidal thoughts, bullying, depression and self-harm. 


8. Fixed & Growth Mindset

Our brains are capable of incredible things! However, we've all experienced failure. This can be hard for any person, young or old, to manage and bounce back from.

When we experience failure it's important to understand the idea of having a Growth Mindset. This tells us that intelligence can be developed. When we embrace challenges, persist despite obstacles, and learn from criticism we are demonstrating a Growth Mindset. 

ClassDojo and Stanford's PERTS Research Center teamed up to create the the first season of The Mojo Show. The five-episode video series (along with a few incredible activities) highlight the power of having a growth mindset, and how any student can learn this skill!

 Check it out HERE

Below are some things you can say to promote a Growth Mindset and discourage a Fixed Mindset. Instead of saying:

"I'm not good at this" try "What am I missing?"

"This is too hard" try "This may take some time"

"I give up" try "I will try a different strategy"

"I'm great at Math" try "I practiced a lot and learned how to do this"

"This is too easy" try "How can I make this more challenging?"

Family Resources

United Way: Call 2-1-1 from your phone or go to their website- United Way

No Kid Hungry: No Kid Hungry Website. You can also text "FOOD" to 877-877 to see all the nearby options. (The service is also available in Spanish by texting the word "COMIDA" instead.)

Affordable Internet Options: Please see this document if you need assistance with affordable internet: Internet Options

Updated: 6/14/2024