
 Publications and Preprints

1) The de Rham isomorphism for Drinfeld modules over Tate algebras (with M. Papanikolas), Journal of Algebra, 525(2019), 454--496. [Journal] [arXiv]

2) Taelman L-values for Drinfeld modules over Tate algebras, Research in the Mathematical Sciences, (2019) 6: 18. [Journal ] [arXiv]

3) Special values of L-series over Tate algebras, PhD Thesis, 2019. [TAMU Library]

4) Deformation of multiple zeta values and their logarithmic interpretation in positive characteristic, Documenta Mathematica 25(2020),  2355--2411 . [Journal ] [arXiv]

5) Special values of Goss L-series attached to Drinfeld modules of rank 2, Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux,  33(2021), no.2, 511--552.  [Journal[arXiv

6) Trivial multiple zeta values in Tate algebras (with F. Pellarin), International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN), 2022(2022), no. 18, 14319--14383. [Journal] [arXiv]

7) On Drinfeld modular forms of higher rank and quasi-periodic functions (with Y.T. Chen), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 375(2022), 2387--2416. [Journal] [arXiv]

8)  On the transcendence of special values of Goss L-functions attached to Drinfeld modules (with C. Namoijam), 2021 [arXiv]

9) On the partial derivatives of Drinfeld modular forms of arbitrary rank (with Y.T. Chen), 2022 [arXiv]

10) Nearly holomorphic Drinfeld modular forms and their special values at CM points (with Y.T. Chen), 2023 [arXiv

11) Mellin transform formulas for Drinfeld modules (with N. Green), 2024 [arXiv

12) On the algebraic independence of logarithms of Anderson t-modules (with C. Namoijam), 2024  [PDF]