About Me

Hello, welcome to my webpage! I am a post-doctoral researcher at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg in the research group of Gebhard Böckle.

 I have obtained my PhD in Mathematics at Texas A&M University in 2019. My PhD advisor was Matt Papanikolas

I am interested in the arithmetic of function fields, especially Drinfeld modules, special values of L-functions, multiple zeta values and modular forms. Here is my CV .

In Summer 2024, I am organizing a GAUS-AG on ''Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue'' with Gebhard Böckle, Alireza Shavali and Sriram C. Venkata. Details can be found here: https://typo.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de/fileadmin/groups/arithgeo/lafforgueRS.pdf