

Club Member Affiliates are able to grow their club’s membership through “Find a Local Club” database located on Ohio Federation of Mothers of Twins Club website by clicking HERE

Each year many prospective parents of multiples look for local clubs to gain support.  As a member club of OFMOTC, your club and club contacts are listed in our database.  We don’t put personal club contacts on our website to protect the privacy of its members. However, we do have a link to the club's website and a club email address.

OFMOTC's Vice President is available to assist perspective members or new members in their journey with Ohio Federation of Mothers of Twins Club. 

OFMOTC Members only Facebook Group

Another added benefit of membership is OFMOTC's members only Facebook group.  Our Facebook group, is used to announce upcoming events, deadlines, share photos from events, get quick advise and the day to day discussions regarding the parenting of twins, triplets and higher order of multiples. 


Twinformation Newsletter

Stay informed with all the club members' highlights along with OFMOTC upcoming events with OFMOTC's Twinformation.  This Twinformation newsletter is sent out quarterly.


Members have the advantage of participating in research projects of a medical, educational, or social nature. 

Local Clubs Support

With the Ohio Federation of Mothers of Twins Club, Inc. classification, its subordinates receive the following benefits:

Instructions for the Form 990 -N. Contact the Vice President at 

Annual Convention

Our convention is usually held each year during the last full week of June. We offer educational, research and networking opportunities for parents of multiples all across the state of Ohio. Convention attendees have an opportunity to hear qualified speaker(s) and/or attend special workshop(s) on a variety of subjects which offer assistance to clubs and individuals.

Scholarship Award

Another benefit of membership is the opportunity for a scholarship. Each year at convention OFMOTC awards a scholarship to one of it's members or a child to the member to further their education.  

Philanthropic Grants

Each member club is eligible to submit an organization to receive a Philanthropic grant from OFMOTC.  The nominees are voted on and the winner is announced at our annual convention.

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