Postdocs & Students

Juan Guerrero - postdoc

Dr. Guerrero primary research interests are on understanding the structure of the main blocks of matter, the proton and neutrons (nucleons), in terms of their constituents, the quark and gluons (partons) from the perspective of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). QCD is the fundamental theory of the strong nuclear force and it describes the interaction between quark and gluons. In particular, Dr. Guerrero work’s aims to extend perturbative techniques of QCD, in principle valid only at high energy collisions, into intermediate energy scales. Recently, Dr. Guerrero interests started to focus on applications of Quantum Computing into nuclear physics. Dr. Guerrero's list of publications can be found in inSpires.

Andrew Jackura - postdoc

Most of the visible mass in the universe is due to nuclei and their interactions. However, our understanding of the emergent nuclear phenomena in terms of their constituent quarks and gluons through Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) has remained elusive. My research focuses on understanding QCD by studying few-body nuclear reactions, and developing non-perturbative methods to use in lattice QCD analyses. Particularly, I am interested in three-body scattering processes to understand the role of three-body nuclear forces. Additionally, I am investigating electroweak transitions of multi-hadron systems to gain insight on the structure of hadrons. Dr. Jackura's list of publications can be found in inSpires.

Luka Leskovec - postdoc

The impressive spectrum of hadrons owes its origin to the complicated and nonperturbative interactions of quarks and gluons known as Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) which in turn makes the spectrum difficult to understand. I am interested in the emergent phenomena that manifest in the interactions between hadrons, mesons and baryons, when the basic parameters of QCD change. In my research I explore the properties of hadrons, determine their strong and radiative couplings and attempt to gain insight into the building blocks of matter. For a detailed descriptions of Dr. Leskovec's work visit his personal page and you can find his list of publications in inSpires.

Marco Carrillo - Ph.D. Student

Keegan Sherman - Ph.D. Student

Recipient of the Department of the 2020 Energy's Science Graduate Student Research Program (SCGSR) supplemental award (ODU story, local story).

MD Habib (Digonto) Islam - Ph.D. Student

Eric Moffat - Ph.D. Student

Wayne Morris - Ph.D. Student