Grant Funded Work
Current Grant Funded Projects
Project CAPER
Dr. Justin A. Haegele is the director of PROJECT CAPER, a collaboratory focused on doctoral training and research in adapted physical education. Dr. Haegele works closely with faculty from the University of Utah (Dr. Wesley Wilson) and the University of Georgia (Dr. Nicole Kirk) on this project. He is the PI on a grant through the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (#H325D220005) that supports this nationwide training program (2022-2027). See:
Camp Webber
Dr. Justin A. Haegele and the Center for Movement, Health & Disability received funding from the ME Webber Foundation to support Camp Webber, an educational sport camp for youth with visual impairments that takes place in Anchorage, AK each Summer.
Leadership Training Support
Dr. Justin A. Haegele is the co-director of the Multi-Institution Adapted Physical Activity Mentoring Consortium. He is the Co-PI on a grant through the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (#H325H190001) that supports this nationwide training program (2019-2024).
Special Olympics VA
Drs. Zhu (PI) and Haegele (Co-PI) received funding from Special Olympics Virginia (SOVA) to help conduct SOVA fitness assessments and examine the impacts on Special Olympics athlete physical fitness and wellness over time.
VI Training Consortium
Dr. Haegele is the PI on a subcontract with George Mason University to support the TVI training consortium at ODU. The VI Consortium is the only academic program for preparing teachers of students with visual impairments in Virginia and is comprised of three universities: George Mason University, Old Dominion University, and Radford University. Its primary goal is to prepare teachers to be highly skilled at working with students with blindness and visual impairments. See more information here:
Previous Grant Funded Projects
Drs. Haegele (PI) & Zhu (Co-PI) received funding through the Spencer Foundation to conduct their study: Exploring the inclusiveness of integrated, general physical education among youth with visual impairments (2021-2022).
Movement & Visual Impairments
Drs. Haegele (PI), Zhu (Co-PI), and Bennett (Co-PI) received funding through the NAKHE Hellison Interdisciplinary Research Grant to conduct their study: An interdisciplinary investigation into the movement of individuals with visual impairments: Perspectives from adapted physical activity & biomechanics (2020-2022).
Exercise & Mental Health
Drs. Zhu (PI) and Haegele (Co-PI) received funding through the Hampton Roads Community Foundation-Benjamin R. Brown and Charles G. Brown Funds to conduct their study: Effects of peer-supported exercise on symptoms of anxiety & depression among young adults (2020-2022).
Movement Efficiency & Autism
Drs. Bennett (PI) and Haegele (Co-PI) received funding through the Thomas F. and Kate Miller Jeffress Memorial Trust, Jeffress Trust Awards Program in Interdisciplinary Research (#190414, 190738) to conduct their study: An innovative interdisciplinary examination of movement efficiency for youth with autism spectrum disorder (2019-2021).
Wellness of Youth with VI
Drs. Haegele (PI) and Zhu (Co-PI) received funding through SHAPE America to conduct their study: Health-related wellness of youth with visual impairments: Exploring familial impact (2017-2018).
Mighty Monarchs Adapted Sports
Dr. Haegele (PI), with Ms. Betsy Kennedy (Co-PI), received funding from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation (#CTN4-2011) to support the development of the Mighty Monarchs Adapted Sports Program (2017).
Social Norms, Bias, and Opportunity
Dr. Haegele (Co-PI), in collaboration with Dr. Cathy McKay (PI) from James Madison University received funding through the 4-VA initiative to conduct their study Collaborative Research on Disability to Impact Societal Norms, Bias, and Opportunity (2021-2022).