Intro Theory

The main reading for the course is this file (this is the May version with minor corrections). We will try to cover about 12 pages per session, with D2, D3 etc. in the left margin indicating probable stopping points. There are also some supplemental reading which will be useful, which I will assemble into this zip file. Then finally, I will put specific materials for the course here in individual links, or else will post course-relevant questions as text here, under sections labeled "Day 1", "Day 2" and so on. If a link does not work, email me.

Day 1: slides (ppt)

Day 2: slides (ppt)

Day 3. (Graphics in class are straight from the reading).

Discussion point. A member of class (sorry I didn't get your name) pointed out a potential argument in favor of ambisyllabicity. There may be a restriction in English against syllable-final lax/short vowels. For example, words can end with [i:, u: e: o:] as well as diphthongs, but not [ɪ ʊ ɛ ɔ æ]. But we can have [trɪki:] "tricky". In Kahn's ambisyllabicity scheme, /k/ is at the end of the first syllable as well as the beginning of the second syllable. so the first syllable does not end with a lax vowel in his analysis.