Formal and Substance Free Theories of Phonological Grammar

Each session will focus on a theme relevant to the formal and substance free approach to grammar. Any in-class materials will be added at the end of each day's section of this web page. The portions of The Phonological Enterprise were in a zip file, corresponding primarily to chapters 1-2 of the book, and other reading are directly linked below. Accompanying these reading are notes in this file (I'll refer to this as "Notes").

1: The scope of generative phonology. What does a "generative theory of phonology" purport to be about? Discussion of E-language, I-language and B-language (B="behavior") perspectives on language and grammar.

Notes sect. 1 discusses the two readings, which are Hale & Reiss 2008 The phonological enterprise, ch 1.1-1.6; 5.1. (PEIntro.pdf in the zip file) and S. Blaho & C. Rice 'Overgeneration and falsifiability in phonological theory'

Slides from day 1 here.

2: Eliminating substance from phonological theory. Notes sect. 2 repackages chapters 6-7 Hale & Reiss 2008 (PESubstance.pdf in the zip file)

3: Formal Phonology: a logic-based theory of grammatical theorizing.

D. Odden 2012 'Formal phonology', D. Odden 2019 Geminate blockage in Logoori harmony with no added machinery . Additional discussion is in sect. 3 of Notes

4: Substance-free theories of features.

Look at sect. 4 of Notes for some interpretation of the Card Grammar section of Hale and Reiss , and read PESubset.pdf from the zip file, which is their Card Grammar argument. Then read D. Odden 'Radical Substance Free Phonology and Feature Learning'.

5: Phonological ontology

This paper outlines the minimalist concepts and propositions that constitute the basics of a theory of phonological representations and computations within Formal Phonology.