Whilst not a solution, it would be useful if the anti-virus could be disabled entirely on one of the servers whilst you run one of these deployments to see if it makes any difference. If the error still occurs whilst the AV is completely disabled, it would be safe to rule that out.

Hello, we have been running into this exact issue frequently lately (Access Denied when trying to run Powershell scripts). We are running Octopus v2019.12.7 LTS. We also use Sophos and believe it to be a problem there. Our latest deployment attempt failed 6 times with this error until it finally succeeded on the 7th attempt - I am not sure why it sometimes fails and sometimes works.

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We are running version 2020.3.2 and the latest Tentacle on all clients. The server is running Windows 2016 as well as all clients. We have an issue with either the server or Tentacle service not starting upon restart, usually when Windows Updates are installed, but does happen with normal reboots as well. I cannot find any logs or Event logs that would state why the service fails to start, but it happens more often than not.

I had a look and only saw two instances of this occurring, once for the server and once for the tentacle. On August 13th, the server appears to have shut down at around 4:15am then we see Octopus come back up at around 7:10am. On August 12th, the tentacle seems to shut down at around 5:45pm and come back up around 7:10pm.

Has this issue occurred more than once beyond what is in the logs? If not, there is a solid chance that both the server and tentacle were affected by the same Windows Update if that is what was going on at the time.

We have recently setup 2 octopus servers - 1 in our local dev/qa environment and another for isolated prod environment. I want to make the synchronisation of these 2 octopus servers bug free. I am basically after the best practices when it comes to setting up isolated octopus servers.

What would be the best practice around managing lifycycles, project variables, etc when it comes to managing 2 separate octopus servers? All I want is to sync deployment processes, and have the variables, lifecycle, channels etc separate to each other.

We generally recommend that you use one instance as the master server and only make changes to processes and variables on that server. The secondary server would just be for deploying as this will lead to the least errors.

I guess, my other question will be around environment and lifecycle management. What would be the best practice arount it when it comes to isolated deployment pattern. I was planning on having Dev/QA envionments and a lifecycle consisting of these two environments in local (master) octopus server, and have staging and prod in our prod octopus server.

You can manage them however you want. If you did have the shell of the Lifecycle and environment in master, but did not have the machines, and they only existed in the secondary staging/prod octopus then the export would not change that configuration when it was imported as it would only have the bones of the Lifecycle and Environment but it would ahve the correct scoping.

I searched for 504 and found out:

The 504 Gateway Timeout error is an HTTP status code that means that one server did not receive a timely response from another server that it was accessing while attempting to load the web page or fill another request by the browser

The Octopus log is from the first issue. I edited this file to only show the log of two servers in a cluster. One had the problem, the other was fine. Same configuration. The Tentacle log is from the second time it occured. (Around 14:16)

I would like my deployment process and/or runbook install some patches on my server. These patches require a server restart. However, when I restart my server the deployment fails because Octopus Deploy loses connection to the server.

If the restart process takes longer than the server timeout then the deployment will fail. The problem is the process is invoking the restart command directly on the server. Once that command is issued then Octopus will wait for the command to finish.

Step #3 runs from a worker and is the key to holding focus while the server shuts down and reboots. I immediately start polling the tentacle endpoint so I can catch the state change (shutdown) and keep polling until the state changes back to a positive response (startup). I give it a slight sleep before moving along to reboot validation.

Hello, thanks for getting in touch! One option which comes to mind could be to use Tentacle.exe command line tool to complete the task of registering your Octopus Tentacle against a new server without uninstalling and reinstalling it.

By default, the Tentacle.exe command line tool lives in C:\Program Files\Octopus Deploy\Tentacle

But if you have Polling Tentacles in your environment you will need to modify the server which your Polling Tentacle is polling to for communication. Unfortunately there is no clean way of setting this and it will likely cause problems if you attempt to restart an Octopus Tentacle during a deployment.

One potential (though it is not at all ideal) work around could be to use the task console to execute the command below to actually modify the server config. Once the task below is complete you could completely restart the entire server holding the Tentacle which would ensure the Octopus Tentacle gets restarted.

Would you be able to send through the verbose task log for the process you are running? There might be a clue there as to why the steps are failing when run on the Octopus server rather than the cli or in Powershell.

That way I can have the control over the secuence of execution in each type of server, at the same time it is implemented as steps in an Octopus project, so I have a view of all the process in a sinlge place.

From the sounds of what you are trying to achieve, I would consider using Runbooks to help with your operational tasks such OS Updates. Depending on your Octopus version, Runbooks were added as part of the 2019.11 release and has helped users with operational tasks that fall outside of the standard deployments.

If so, output variables, like in the script you found, would be the best option. When running a script like that on multiple deployment targets, it should save the returned value per target which you would then retrieve with Octopus.Action[StepA].Output[target1].IPV4Address and Octopus.Action[StepA].Output[target2].IPV4Address

If it is running on the Server/Worker, then, unfortunately, it is completely unaware of the deployment targets used earlier in the process and the values will need to be passed to it through output variables.

If the script is running on the deployment target or on behalf of the deployment target, then it would be able to retrieve the target name with the [Octopus.Machine.Name] system variable. This would mean that the entire script would run once for each target though, which depending on the content of the script may be undesirable.

The Step input parameter needs to be set to the name of the deployment step that generated the server tasks to be waited. In the classic-pipeline mode, you need to set the reference name on the server_tasks output variable and use that value for Step.

The Octopus Deploy server is very convenient solution to deploy changes through a DevOps infrastructure on to multiple targets at the same time. In addition to application deployments ApexSQL DevOps toolkit Octopus Deploy template steps can provide the means to deploy database changes along the way.

One of Octopus Deploy major features is ability to create a deployment infrastructure where all environments and deployment targets surrounded by them can be defined once and then used for every deployment process configured and activated later.

In case of database deployment, it is necessary to define target machines with SQL instances and databases. To start with definition creation in the Overview view of the Infrastructure page accessed from the Octopus Deploy main menu use Add your first environment button and the console will start guiding through the setup.

What is displayed next is the view to create environment which requires clicking on Add environment button and the environment naming dialogue will appear. Enter a name that will help easily recognize deployment environment and click Save.

After the naming confirmation, the view for additional environment settings will appear. In this view the environment description can be entered and some deployment behavior options with their explanation can be set as defaults. Also, the option to define deployment targets and bind them to this environment will be there.

Click on the Add deployment target to proceed to target definition. In the new view which appeared will be set of options to define what kind of technology is present in the target. In this case the Windows type target should be selected and the options to set deployment request behavior will show up. There are three possible setups:

In case there is no Octopus tentacle service installed on the target machine there is option present to download the service installer and install it to the target machine. During the installation process the Octopus tentacle service has to be paired with the server using generated thumbprint code.

Defining role tags will provide additional deployment configuration customization. In case there are multiple machines which have several roles like web server and database server at the same time, using the role tag in deployment steps will define a scope of target machines that have assigned roles with the selected tag and exclude the ones that are not tagged with used role.

This procedure should be repeated at least once more in order to create centralized repository for the deployment resources, in this case database synchronization scripts. This repository should be on the Octopus Deploy server machine. The main benefit is that database comparison and synchronization can be done from one location where ApexSQL tools are installed. This means that there is no need to setup ApexSQL tools on every target machine which would be the case if deployment resources were created on target machines. ff782bc1db

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