What I can choose, though, is to be pro-life and pro-peace. I can choose to be true to self and all my identities. It is a hard choice like any other. I respect the choices of others, of course. But I do hope more people will start choosing to stay one, staying whole, and not divided.

Divide and rule (from Latin divide et impera), or divide and conquer, in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.

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While the Mongols imported Central Asian Muslims to serve as administrators in China, the Mongols also sent Han Chinese and Khitans from China to serve as administrators over the Muslim population in Bukhara in Central Asia, using foreigners to curtail the power of the local peoples of both lands. Pakistan and India were also divided by this policy.[14]

Did Caesar ever write the motto "divide et impera" in one of his works or is there some other author who attributes its authorship to him? Or is it rather a formula used by some modern-day historian (and so, who was the first?) to describe the policy he used in the Gallic Wars?

The first record of the idea is found in the Thucydides, Peloponnesian War 1.122. In the Philippics of Demosthenes, the same idea is frequently repeated, although nowhere does he explicitly use the phrase divide and conquer. The first to use the phrase and explicitly describe the idea in detail was probably Machiavelli in his book, The Art of War.

A new ice age has come! Lead your band of survivors to explore, loot, and trade. 

 The game is set on a modular board of Districts subdivided into areas called Ground and Roof Regions. 

 The Scrappers, your Faction's workers who search the city far and wide for pieces of valuable scrap, will try to move on the board using their Feats to collect as many materials as possible. 

 You are going to find two types of Resources: Technology items and Energy Cells, represented in the game by tokens. 

 These materials can be used to buy items in various Markets, in order to improve your skills, or they can be kept until the end of the game to convert them into food and medicine Supplies (victory points). 

 At the end of each Turn, you will be asked to satisfy the Purebred's requests through public Missions that everyone can undertake if the prerequisites are met. 

 Powerful Purebred Drones will be assigned to help you. But beware of your opponents, they might steal them and use them against you.

Divide et impera (prevedeno Zavadi ili Podijeli pa vladaj)[1] jedna je od najslavnijih latinskih izreka koja se pripisuje Juliju Cezaru.[2] Od njegovih vremena je to jedna od vrhunskih maksima politike i sociologije, u nauci o vladanju. Ona predstavlja kombinaciju politikih, vojnih i ekonomskih strategija koja omoguuju uspon i odravanje moi, razjedinjavanjem svojih protivnika, tako da se nisu u stanju suprostaviti.

The mechanisms by which mitochondria can divide, fuse, or move along the cells are known as mitochondrial dynamics. Notably, these processes are needed to rearrange or exchange deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins between mitochondria, redistribute mitochondrial content within the cell, and also isolate dysfunctional parts, leading to their recycling [2,4,5].

It is important to mention that, recently, a central role for the dynamin protein 2 (Dyn2) in mitochondrial fission was proposed. This protein is also a GTPase which was observed to transiently bind at mitochondrial Drp1-bound sites, in different mammalian cells, including human cells [26]. Noteworthy, Dyn2 deletion was observed to block the final scission in mitochondrial fission. Following deletion, constrictions between assembled Drp1 populations were found, but mitochondria were not divided [26]. ff782bc1db

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