UNiform and Supplies
School Supplies for Year 5 OC students
Please send these items with your child.
1 pencil case
2 blue pens (per term)
2 red pens (per term)
3 HB lead pencils (per term)
A pencil sharpener with an enclosed container
An eraser
2 whiteboard markers
2 large glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
30 cm ruler showing millimetres (not flexible or metal)
1 geometry set
1 set of labelled headphones or earbuds
1 set of coloured pencils
1 set of textas
Different coloured highlighters
1 labelled library bag
1 paint shirt
1 box of tissues
1 roll of paper towels
Ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
School Uniforms
Uniforms are available to purchase online through Flexischools.
We ask that the following items be ordered in one transaction, rather than in a series of separate transactions, to assist our wonderful P&C parent volunteers who process all Uniform Shop orders.
Senior Bag
Library bag
Summer uniform (as outlined below)
Jumper and/or vest
Short-sleeved sport shirt (when you have been sent the name of your child's sport house)
Sports short
When placing an order, please indicate that this is for a 'new student'. This can be done by choosing the top selection on the drop down menu.
Uniforms may be collected from the school office.
The last day for Uniform Shop orders is Friday 6 December 2024. To avoid inconvenience, please order before this date to ensure your order is ready.
Children are required to wear a school hat featuring the school logo during all outdoor activities. The school has a ‘No hat, play in the shade’ sun safe policy.
Students also need a library bag and these may be purchased from the Uniform Shop. They also make useful excursion bags.
Please label all clothing and personal possessions with your child's name and class.
Twice a term, we hold nearly new uniform sales. Dates for these will be advertised in the school newsletter. For second hand items, we can only accept cash. Alternatively, you can place a request for a second-hand uniform item by emailing nbpssecondhand@gmail.com.
Your child will be placed into a sports house by the school. The Sports Houses are: Waratah (red), Gilmore (green), Milson (blue) and Warung (yellow). When purchasing the sports uniform, please ensure you purchase the correct allocated house colour.
Navy and white checked pattern shift dress is worn.
Alternatively, girls may wear a white short-sleeved polo shirt featuring the school logo with navy cargo pants.
Black shoes are worn with short white socks.
Navy and white checked pattern tunic worn with white long-sleeved polo shirt featuring school logo. Alternatively, the white long-sleeved polo shirt featuring school logo may be worn with long navy pants.
A sleeveless navy vest with zip front featuring school logo, a long-sleeved, polar-fleeced jumper featuring school logo or a navy sloppy joe featuring school logo may be worn.
Black shoes are worn with navy tights or short white socks
House-coloured long or short-sleeved polo shirt featuring the school logo is worn with navy shorts, short white socks and shoes appropriate for the sport being played.
In winter, navy school track suits may be worn with the sports uniform.
White short-sleeved polo shirt featuring the school logo is worn with navy cargo pants.
Black shoes are worn with short white socks.
White long-sleeved polo shirt featuring school logo is worn with long navy pants.
A sleeveless navy vest with zip front featuring school logo or a long-sleeved polar fleeced jumper featuring the school logo may be worn.
Black shoes are worn with short white socks.
House-coloured long or short-sleeved polo shirt featuring the school logo is worn with navy shorts, short white socks and shoes appropriate for the sport being played.
In winter, navy school track suits may be worn with the sports uniform.
Summer Uniform
Summer Uniform
Winter Uniform
Winter Uniform
Milson Sport Uniform
Waratah Sport Uniform
Gilmore Sport Uniform
Warung Sport Uniform
Our long-sleeved polo sport shirts are featured in these photos. A short-sleeved polo sport shirt in the same colours may also be purchased.
We understand that families, especially those living out of the area, may need students to carry a mobile phone or similar device for before- or after-school communication. At school, we ask that students turn off mobile phones and personal electronic devices upon arrival and keep them in their school bags for the day.
For students wearing smartwatches, these should be disconnected from Wi-Fi while on school grounds. Smartwatches must not be used for messaging or calls during the school day, and any connection should be switched off when students enter the school.
The school office is the point of contact if parents need to send a message to their child during school hours. Any inappropriate use of personal devices while at school will prompt a follow-up call to parents.